Program Policies

Graduation Requirements

Criteria for Successful Completion of the FSU PA Program

In order to graduate from the Florida State University Physician Assistant Program, students must complete the following requirements:

  • Earn a "C" or better in each required course in the curriculum,
  • Have a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the time of graduation,
  • Successfully completing all program required patient encounters and clinical procedural skills,
  • Complete all graduate surveys
  • Demonstrate successful completion of a summative evaluation, which includes:
    • A Comprehensive Written Examination (knowledge)
    • An Objective Structured Clinical Exam - OSCE (clinical skills and professional behavior)
    • A Professional Behavior Assessment (summary of assessments of professional behavior by core faculty, professionalism assessment tool, PA competency self-assessment, clinical site visitor and clinical preceptors made throughout the curriculum)
  • Complete payment of all tuition, program and campus fees.


Advanced Placement

The Florida State University Physician Assistant Program does not offer advanced placement.


Student Employment

Training to become a physician assistant demands a full-time commitment. Due to the rigorous nature of the curriculum, it is recommended that students do not engage in outside employment. If a student chooses to work during the academic year, the work schedule must not interfere with class performance or clinical rotation schedules.  FSU PA Program Faculty, including the Clinical Education Director, will not accommodate work schedules in arranging clinical experiences. 

Students may not work for the FSU PA program.  Students with specific prior knowledge, experience and skills may assist faculty in didactic and laboratory sessions to share their knowledge and skills. During clinical clerkship, students must not be used to substitute for clinical or administrative staff at clinical sites.

Financial Responsibility

Financial Responsibility refers to the process of managing money and other similar assets in a way that is considered productive and is also in the best interest of the individual, or family. Students in the PA Program are individually responsible for all tuition, fees, books, background checks, required medical screenings, medical equipment, required protective equipment not otherwise provided by the PA program or clinical sites, personal medical costs (including those related to exposures to infectious and environmental hazards) and living expenses while a student at Florida State University. This includes expenses related to exposures, injuries or illnesses incurred while performing clinical clerkship/rotations. 


Withdrawal and Refunds

The Florida State University policy on withdrawal and tuition refunds can be found at:


Student Solicitation of Preceptor or Clinical Sites

The PA program recruits, develops, maintains and determines student placements for all supervised practice experiences (clinical sites and preceptors).  Coordinating supervised clinical practice sites (SCPEs/clinicals) by the program's faculty involves identifying, contacting and evaluating sites and preceptors for suitability and student safety as a required or elective rotation experience.

Students may suggest or provide information regarding potential preceptors or clinical sites to the program's faculty, but no student will be required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors.  Any clinical site or preceptor recommended to the program by a student will be reviewed and evaluated for educational suitability and student safety by the program.