Program Effectiveness In 

Meeting Goals


Goal 1: Recruit and matriculate a student body that advances the mission of the program. 

Rationale:  We seek to prepare PAs to practice patient-centered healthcare in any clinical setting and to be responsive to community needs. 

Outcome Measure: The FSU school of Physician Assistant Practice (SPAP) has set a benchmark that an aggregate minimum of 60% of each recruited and matriculated cohort is from a background with a Health Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) indicator. While the FSU SPAP engages in many recruitment activities which culminate with an invitation for interview, recruitment is defined for purposes of this goal as the number of applicants invited for an interview for determining goal achievement.

TimelineThis goal is evaluated annually in the spring of each year before April 1.

Actual Outcome: Goal achieved.  The FSU School of Physician Assistant Practice has consistently recruited and matriculated a student body prepared to advance the mission of the program with at least 60% of our recruited and matriculated students have one or more HRSA indicators.

HRSA IndicatorsClass of 2022Class of 2023Class of 2024
 % Invited% Matriculated% Invited% Matriculated% Invited% Matriculated
Childhood Federal and State Assistance25.72522.6716.725.838.3
Health Provider Shortage Area or       
Medically Underserved Area2533.934162735
First to Attend College15.518.6251323.630
Public Assistance9.58.56615.720
Economically Disadvantaged16.920.320820.221.7
High School Free Lunch2725.4411937.650
Low Graduation Rate at High School6.18.5531.13.3
English Not Native Language2.71.72.673.35.63.3
Less than 50% of Graduates attend College7.410.216106.713.3
% of>+ 1 Indicators of Mission Fit Alignment515459586475
HRSA IndicatorsClass of 2025Class of 2026  
 % Invited% Matriculated% Invited% Matriculated  
Childhood Federal and State Assistance24.927.520.832.2  
Health Provider Shortage Area or       
Medically Underserved Area24.525.421.520.3  
First to Attend College26.630.517.513.5  
Public Assistance1310.288.4  
Economically Disadvantaged21.927.114.517  
High School Free Lunch35.43934.539  
Low Graduation Rate at High School2.63.443.3  
English Not Native Language43.4102  
Less than 50% of Graduates attend College125911.8  
% of>+ 1 Indicators of Mission Fit Alignment64626263  

Goal 2: Graduate PAs that advance the mission of the FSU PA program by practicing in Primary Care specialties. 

Rationale:Rationale:We seek to prepare PAs to provide patient centered healthcare to underserved populations, including elder, rural and underserved populations and in primary care settings. 

Outcome Measure:The FSU SPAP has set a benchmark of 20% of each cohort who intend to care for underserved populations as reported on the program exit survey or alumni who practice in a primary care setting as self-reported for the alumni directory.  Primary care specialties are defined as family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics/gynecology and geriatrics.   

Timeline:This goal is evaluated annually in the spring of each year before April 1. 

Actual Outcome: Goal achieved.  The 2024 exit survey revealed that 18% of the graduates from the 2024 graduating cohort plan to practice in a rural or underserved setting.  Current alumni reported responses indicate that 22% of FSU PA alumni work in a primary care specialty. 

Actual Outcome: Goal achieved.  The 2024 exit survey revealed that 18% of the graduates from the 2024 graduating cohort plan to practice in a rural or underserved setting.  Current alumni reported responses indicate that 22% of FSU PA alumni work in a primary care specialty. 

Goal 3:  Achieve first time PANCE pass rates at or above the national mean.

Rationale:  We seek to prepare PAs to pass the Physician Assistant National Certifying Examination (PANCE).

Outcome Measure:  The FSU SPAP has set a benchmark to achieve a first time PANCE pass rate that is at or above the national mean for first time PANCE pass rates.

Timeline:  This goal is evaluated annually in the spring of each year before April 1.

Actual Outcome: Approaching goal.  The FSU SPAP Class of 2024 First Time Takers PANCE pass rate is currently 89% with some graduates still to comple their first take of PANCE. The national PANCE pass rate for First Time Takers for the Class of 2024 is 92%.

Five-Year First Time Taker Summary Report 


Goal 4: Graduate PAs that remain in Florida to practice as PAs.  

Rationale:We seek to develop PAs who enter clinical practice and contribute to the needed healthcare workforce in the state of Florida. 

Outcome Measure:The FSU SPAP has set a benchmark of 70% of graduates who practice in the state of Florida as determined by using FSU PA alumni National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers.    

Timeline:This goal is evaluated annually in the spring of each year before April 1.

Actual Outcome: Goal achieved.  77.1% of FSU PA alumni practice within the state of Florida according to NPI data.  

 2022 2023 2024 Cumulative total alumni 
% of alumni who practice in Florida 73.2%70.7% 92.3%77.1%
% of alumni who practice outside of Florida26.8%29.3%7.7%22.9%