Immokalee Health Education Site

Isabel Collier Read Medical Campus

Programs in Cross Cultural Medicine and Immigrant Health

In 2007, the FSU COM entered into an agreement with Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida to provide medical education opportunities and healthcare services for the rural and underserved population in Immokalee, Florida. There are now multiple options for medical students to complete portions of their required and elective medical education program in Immokalee.

CCSH Logo websiteThe Center for Child Stress & Health is a SAMHSA National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCTSI) Category II, Treatment and Service Adaptation Center.

The mission of the Center for Child Stress & Health is to provide clinical resource for patients, families and providers that will provide primary, secondary and tertiary health prevention for children exposed to toxic stress, especially those in rural and minority and underserved communities in Florida. 


For more information visit our website at:

Informational Video


Healthy Me provides a set of behavioral interventions, created by FSUCOM Faculty in Immokalee that can be used to engage adolescents in positive health behaviors specifically aimed at addressing or preventing obesity.



For more information visit our website at: