Training Verification Information

Please note that all verifications of Graduate Medical Education (GME) and verifications of past residents'/fellows' affiliations done here at the Florida State University College of Medicine may be processed by the Division of Graduate Medical Education. Verifications of GME for current or recently graduated residents/fellows may be processed by the program. Please direct your correspondence to the appropriate area.

The Division of Graduate Medical Education is only able to verify dates of residency/fellowship training. Please indicate the department name, dates that need to be verified and exact location in which the individual trained.

Federation Credentials Verification Services (FCVS)

ApplicationFCVS is a fast and convenient way for Physicians and PA's to store core credentials that can be used for multiple state medical boards. State medical boards rely on this centralized, uniform process for obtaining primary-source verified education information for those applying for licensure. Applicants who complete the FCVS verification process establish a permanent, lifetime portfolio of primary-source verified credentials - allowing easy and cost-effective access to medical credentials whenever they are needed. This service is especially valuable to those physicians graduating from medical school outside the United States or Canada, where verification can be time-consuming, costly and difficult. It is also extremely useful for those applicants applying to several state boards simultaneously, or those whose postgraduate training programs have closed. The FSU College of Medicine Division of GME strongly encourages all residents/fellows enroll in this service. There is a fee for the FCVS service that is paid by the physician.