Training Opportunities: Core Functions of Public Health Graphic

Residency Training:

The FSU_COM Center for Medicine & Public Health now offers brief immersive public health training to primary care resident physicians, in partnership with local and state health agencies.  The goal of this experience is to orient all newly-trained physicians to the role public health plays in their communities, and to understand how public health fits in the larger continuum of community health and population medicine.  In addition to nurturing a new generation of public health aware physicians, the program is also part of a larger plan to cultivate a physician workforce pipeline for public health and population medicine in Florida. 

During their brief rotation, residents engage in the following activities:

  • Dialogue with leaders of various programs at the state health department
  • Provide patient care (TB, STI, family planning, and refugee health) in the local county health department
  • Engage in local infectious disease surveillance with the local health department’s epidemiology team
  • Engage in field work with school health, STI contact-tracing, community outreach, and environmental health teams
  • Complete various readings and on-line tutorials related to public health
    and population medicine
  • Discuss scholarly / academic evidence related to the integration of medicine and public health
  • Complete a small project assessing a specific public health challenge in a specific segment of the population.

In partnership with local residency programs and the Florida Dept of Health, the FSU_COM Center for Medicine & Public Health offers the following rotations to local resident physicians training in primary care:

  • Family Medicine PG-I required rotation
  • Internal Medicine PG-II/III elective rotation


Curriculum Materials for Primary Care Residency Public Health Rotations:


 Presentations and Webinars:


Academic Programs:
