Major Approaches

Animal models

  • Chicken embryos - Powerful genetic approaches and easy access to embryonic brains, allowing in-depth investigation of cellular and molecular mechanisms of synaptic and circuit development.
  • Mouse - Transgenic mouse strains of conventional and Cre-based conditional knockouts; mouse lines that mimic human conditions of hearing loss; AAV-mediated gene-editing with cell group specificity.
  • Gerbil - An excellent model for studying social interaction and auditory processing due to its similarity to humans.

Protein/RNA analyses: localization, mobility, and interaction

Immunocytochemistry staining of tissues followed by multi-channel confocal microscope imaging allows in vivo determination of protein localization. Protein/RNA mobility and interaction are studied by molecular methods as well as live imaging of genetically labeled molecules. We also frequently perform Western Blot for protein analysis and PCR for genotyping.

Sensory functional assays

We test hearing sensitivity and auditory processing ability in animal models under normal and various pathological conditions. Such functional analyses include ABR (auditory brainstem responses), DPOAE (distortion product otoacoustic emissions), acoustic startle, pure-tone exposure, and single-unit extracellular recording.

Microscope imaging

Using laser-based confocal and multi-photon microscopes, we study the structural and biochemical dynamics of brain cells (neurons and glial), as well as their interactions, under control and manipulated conditions.  Cell dye-filling followed with 3D reconstruction is combined for single-cell and synapse analyses. Zeiss M2 microscope allows high-resolution montage imaging of large brain areas.

Bioinformatics and Molecular Biochemistry

Targeted gene manipulation is combined with florescent-based cell sorting and quantitative mass spectrometry for identifying differentially expressed proteins under disease conditions (in development). In vitro protein binding and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation studies are conducted to study protein/RNA interaction.

Behavioral Testing

We utilize three approaches to analyze behavior: elevated zero maze, open field testing, and locomotor testing. Each of which gives us data regarding behavioral components such as general activity, degree of exploration and curiosity, and anxiety measures.


  • Electrophysiology patch-clamp recording (Yong Lu at Northeast Ohio Medical University)
  • RNAscope in situ hybridization (Xiaoyu Wang at Jinan University)
  • CRISPR-Cas9 mediated zygote genome editing (Eliza Curnow at University of Washington)
  • Alcohol toxicity (Jennifer Steiner at Florida State University)