Contact Us

The Division of Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences houses a number of programs at the College of Medicine: IMS Degree Program, PreHealth Advising, Pre-College Outreach, and the Bridge to Clinical Medicine Program.

The faculty and staff in the IMS Division provide academic advising and counseling to students interested in pursuing careers in the health sciences.

FSU students can schedule an appointment with a pre-health advisor using the directions below for utilizing Campus Connect. 

1. Log into myFSU and select the CC icon on the top left 
2. Click on "Schedule Advising"

For more information call us at 850-644-7678 or  850-644-1843

You can also email us at  


Faculty and Staff

IMS Senior Administrative Specialist

Akilah Tettey


IMS Academic Program Specialists

Whitney Jones, M.Ed


Riley Miller, M.A.


Natasha Woods


IMS Community Coordinator

Heather Stitely, M.S.


IMS Degree Program Manager

Ann DelRossi, M.S.,Ed.S.


Pre-Med and Pre-Health Advisors

Meredith Gellepis

Senior PreHealth Advisor

Emily Widener

PreHealth Advisor

Undergraduate Research Advising

Elizabeth Foster, Ph.D.
Link to Research Advising

PreCollege Programs

Shayetoria Peeples, M.P.H.

SSTRIDE Program Coordinator

Melanie Yurewitch 

Collier County SSTRIDE Coordinator

Program Evaluation

Nancy Donahue, M.S.
IMS Division Program Evaluation Analyst

IMS Faculty

Erica Miller, DSW, LCSW
IMS Degree Program Faculty


Deans and Directors

Lauren Bell, DNP, RN
Experiential Curriculum Director

Thesla Berne-Anderson, M.S.
Founder of SSTRIDE/Executive Director of Undergraduate Outreach and Precollege Programs

Elizabeth Foster, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, IMS Division

Lilly Lewis, M.A.
Director, IMS Degree Program Academic and Student Services

Anthony C. Speights, M.D., FACOG, AAHIVS
Senior Associate Dean, IMS Division
Director, Bridge to Clinical Medicine Master's Program

Aihua Wang, Ph.D.
IMS Division Director of Program Evaluation 
