Honors in the Major

Because health care is a broad field of study and practice and the IMS Program spans seven colleges and numerous departments, an Honors in the Major thesis can be completed in a variety of disciplines. The Honors in the Majors topics must be health related and approved by the IMS Honors Director for the College of Medicine.

The Thesis Director for Honors in the Major must be full-time tenured or tenure-track FSU faculty member appointed in one of the FSU colleges approved for the IMS majors and meet the Thesis Director requirements of the University Honors Program.

Honors in the Major requires junior standing, a 3.2 GPA on at least 15 semester hours at FSU and all transfer work, and completion and defense of an honors thesis for 6 hours credit under the direction of a faculty committee. To graduate with honors is a worthwhile distinction. For more information, please visit the Honors in the Major Website. If you have questions please contact the IMS Honors Director, or the Honors in the Major Office at HITM@fsu.edu.

Please find the Directed Individual Study (DIS) Form under "Student Research Opportunities" here.