Awards & Recognition
Dr. Suo:
2023 The article "Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes: Applications in Regenerative Medicine", Cells, 10(8), 1959. [Online Access] has been selected as the first prize winner of the Cells 2023 Best Paper Awards among papers published in the journal. [Online Access]
2020 - 2021 FSU College of Medicine Faculty Council Award for Outstanding Senior Faculty Researcher
2020 - 2023 Treasurer for the Division of Chemical Toxicology of the American Chemical Society
2016 - 2019 Secretary for the Division of Chemical Toxicology of the American Chemical Society
2017 OKeanos-CAPA Senior Investigator Award
2013 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for distinguished contributions to the field of nucleic acid enzymology, particularly for pre-steady state kinetic and protein conformational dynamic studies of DNA polymerases.
2009 US CAPA (Chinese-American Chemistry & Chemical Biology Professors Association) Distinguished Faculty Award
2007 Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring by Faculty
2006 Dean’s Award for Classroom Teaching Excellence
2005 National Science Foundation Career Award
Postdoctoral Researchers:
Dr. Adarsh Kumar won the Outstanding Achievement as a Postdoctoral Scholar Award in 2021.
Dr. Mangesh Hade and Dr. Caitlin Suire won the Toffler Scholar Program Award in 2021.
Dr. Vineet Gaur has been awarded 2018 Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, which is given to Indian nationals who have conducted research overseas and demonstrated an excellent publication and achievement track record. The Fellowship provides senior researcher status and stipend for those researchers who are returning to India for faculty positions. Dr. Gaur will be joining National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi, India in May, 2019.
Dr. Jason Fowler was awarded a 2009-2010 T-32 NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Dr. Rajan Vyas has been awarded the 2017 Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship, by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, which is given to Indian nationals who have conducted research overseas and demonstrated an excellent publication and achievement track record. The Fellowship provides senior researcher status and stipend for those researchers who are returning to India for faculty positions. Dr. Vyas is currently working as Assistant Professor at Central University of Punjab, Bathinda, India.
Graduate Researchers:
Turner Seay and Katelyn Kirves have been granted the 2024 COM Summer Research Fellowship Program award.
Daniel Betancourt has been selected as a presenter tin the annual American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Science in a Flash communication competition. The event will be held on-site at the Exhibit Hall of the DiscoverBMB conference in San Antonio.
Daniel Betancourt and Nikita Zalenski have been granted the 2024 Graduate Student Travel Award, supported by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Maximizing Access Committee (MAC).
Jack Tokarsky was awarded the Dr. Robin C. Burrell Memorial Fund to attend the 256th ACS National Meeting & Exposition in Boston, Mass. (August 19th to 23rd, 2018) and will be presenting his work.
Former Suo Lab graduate student Dr. Jason Fowler has been promoted as of 2017 to Associate Professor with tenure at Lincoln Memorial University.
Andrew Reed has placed 2nd in the 2017 Dow Chemical Poster Competition at The Ohio State University.
Walter Zahurancik was awarded the Graduate School’s Louise B. Vetter Award, which is sponsored by the Ohio State chapter of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi and is given for excellence in research among Presidential Fellows.
Austin Raper has been awarded the runner up award for his oral presentation at the annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Program symposium.
Andrew Reed has been awarded the 2017 Graduate Student Pelotonia Fellowship.
Jack Tokarsky has been awarded the 2017 Robert Ross Lecture Biophysics Outstanding Student Award for outstanding academic achievements in the Biophysics Graduate Program.
Walter Zahurancik has been awarded the 2017 Presidential Fellowship from The Ohio State University.
Andrew Reed, Anthony Stephenson, and Austin Raper were awarded the Dr. Robin C. Burrell Memorial Fund to attend the Gordon Research Conference on Nucleic Acids (June 4-9, 2017) at the University of New England in Biddeford, ME, where they will present their work.
Austin Raper has been awarded the 2017 Presidential Fellowship from The Ohio State University
Former Suo Lab graduate student Dr. Jessica Brown has accepted a faculty position at the University of Notre Dame in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry.
Austin Raper has been awarded a 2015 Chemistry Biology Interface Program Fellowship.
Austin Raper was awarded the 1st place prize for his poster presentation “Dynamic Damage Searching and Substrate Processing by Base Excision Repair Enzymes” at the 2015 IGP Symposium.
Walter Zahurancik has been awarded a 2015 Pelotonia Fellowship.
Austin Raper has been nominated for the 2015 Center for Life Sciences Education Outstanding TA Award for his excellence in teaching.
Former Suo Lab graduate student Dr. Jessica Brown has been awarded an NIH Pathway To Independence (K99) Award
Walter Zahurancik was awarded a 2013-2014 NIH Chemistry-Biology Interface Program Predoctoral Fellowship
Brian Maxwell was awarded the 2013 Presidential Fellowship from the Ohio State Univeristy
Brian Maxwell was offered a 2013 Pelotonia Predoctoral Fellowship
Brian Maxwell won the 2013 Ohio State Biophysics Program Outstanding Student Award
Brian Maxwell was invited to attend the first ever Proctor and Gamble Innovation Camp
Brian Maxwell was awarded the Burrell Memorial Travel Grant to attend the 2012 Biophysical Society Annual Meeting
Shanen Sherrer was a Graduate Student Poster Award Winner at the 24th Annual Symposium of The Protein Society
Shanen Sherrer received a Travel Award from the FASEB/MARC Program and The Protein Society
Jessica Brown won the Presidential Fellowship from The Ohio State University
Joshua Wagner was awarded a 2009-2010 NIH Chemistry-Biology Interface Program Predoctoral Fellowship
Shanen Sherrer was awarded an American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship for the years of 2009-2010 and 2010-2011
Shanen Sherrer was awarded the 2009 Gordon Research Conference Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority Fellowship
Shanen Sherrer was awarded the Burrell Memorial Travel Grant to travel to the 2009 Gordon Conference on Nucleic Acids
Shanen Sherrer was awarded a 2008-2009 NIH Chemistry-Biology Interface Program Predoctoral Fellowship
Jessica Brown was awarded an American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship for the years of 2008-2009 and 2009-2010
Shanen Sherrer won a 2008 Robert H. Edgerley Environmental Toxicology Summer Fellowship
Jessica Brown won a 2008 Burrell Memorial Award to attend the Gordon Research Conference on NUCLEIC ACIDS on June 1-6, 2008 at Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. She gave a short talk on the “Mechanism of Double-Base Lesion Bypass Catalyzed by a Y-Family DNA Polymerase”
Jessica Brown won an Outstanding Oral Student Presentation Award for the 2nd annual MLS-IGP Symposium in 2008
Jessica Brown was awarded the 2008 International P.E.O. Scholar Award
Shanen Sherrer won the 2007 Dean’s Award for Excellence as a Graduate Teaching Assistant
Kevin A. Fiala won a travel fellowship from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) to attend the Experimental Biology 2007 Meeting in Washington, DC
Nikunj Bhatt won a full scholarship to attend Wright State University School of Medicine to pursue an M.D. after he completed both a B.S. and an M.S. in biochemistry in my laboratory
Kevin A. Fiala won the Presidential Fellowship from The Ohio State University in 2006
Jason Fowler won the American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship for the years of 2006-2007 and 2007-2008
Kevin A. Fiala won the American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship for the year of 2006-2007
Kevin A. Fiala won the 1st place award at the 20th Annual Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum (2006)
Jason Fowler won the 2006 Dean’s Award for Excellence as a Graduate Teaching Assistant.
Kevin A. Fiala won the Burrell Fund to attend the Keystone Conference in 2006
Jessica A. Brown won a two-year fellowship (2005-2007) from the National Institutes of Health Chemistry and Biology Interface Program at OSU
Kevin A. Fiala won the OSBP and CBIP Travel Grants and the Burrell Fund to attend the Gordon Conference in 2005
Kevin A. Fiala won the Herta Camerer Gross Graduate Research Fellowship in 2005
Michelle P. Roettger won a two-year fellowship (2002-2004) from the National Institutes of Health Chemistry and Biology Interface Program at OSU
Kevin A. Fiala won the 1st prize at the Ohio State Biochemistry Program Autumn Symposium in 2004
Kevin A. Fiala won the American Heart Association Pre-Doctoral Fellowship for the years of 2004-2005 and 2005-2006
Kevin A. Fiala won a two-year fellowship (2002-2004) from the National Institutes of Health Chemistry and Biology Interface Program at OSU
Undergradute Researchers:
Alice Hamilton has been awarded General Chemistry II award.
Kirstie Walters has won a Chemistry Scholarship in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department of FSU (2019).
Madison Smith has been awarded the Mayer’s Undergraduate Research Summer Fellowship from the Ohio State University for the 2018 summer.
Madison Smith placed 3rd in the Molecular Biophysics & Chemical Biology category of the Ohio State University Denman Undergraduate Research Forum Poster Session.
Madison Smith has been awarded The Kraska Scholarship from the Ohio State University Chemistry and Biochemistry Department for the 2018-2019 year.
Jennifer Tuokkola has been awarded the Bertram Thomas Memorial Fund Scholarship from the Ohio State University Chemistry and Biochemistry Department for the 2018-2019 year.
Madison Smith placed 2nd in the Science division for the 3 minute undergraduate thesis competition (2017).
Madison Smith has been awarded a 2017 ASC Undergraduate Research Scholarship for her proposed work in Dr. Suo’s lab.
Madison Smith has been awarded the Kraska Scholarship from the Chemistry department for the 2017-2018 academic year.
Kenny Phi has been awarded the Undergraduate Research Scholarship for the 2015-2016 academic year by the College of Arts & Sciences Honors Committee.
Shelby Newsad has been awarded the Undergraduate Research Scholarship for the 2015-2016 academic year by the College of Arts & Sciences Honors Committee.
Shelby Newsad has been awarded the International Research Grant by the Colleges of Arts & Sciences Honors Committee.
Kenny Phi has been awarded The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Gary Booth Scholarship for the 2015-2016 academic year.
Shelby Newsad has been awarded The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Gary Booth Scholarship for the 2015-2016 academic year.
Shelby Newsad has been awarded the German Academic Exchange Service Research Internship in Science and Engineering Award to study at Helmhotz-Institut für Pharmazeutische Forschung Saarland/CBCH, Saarbrücken for Summer 2015.
Shelby Newsad has been awarded a scholarship from the Edward S. “Beanie” Drake Student Leader Endowment Fund for the 2015-2016 academic year.
Seth Klein has been accepted to The Ohio State University College of Medicine for Autumn 2015.
Shelby Newsad has been awarded one of the Young Scientist Program Fellowships to attend Joint Congress of The international Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) and the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SBBq) in Brazil.
Saul Fredrickson was awarded an Undergraduate Research Scholarship for Spring 2014
Dennis Sphon was awarded the 2013 Hach Scholarship by the American Chemical Society
Seth Klein was accepted to the NSF Biological Sciences REU program at Ohio State for the summer of 2013
Saul Fredrickson was awarded the 2013 Bertram-Thomas Undergraduate Research Scholarship by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Jack Tokarsky won an Undergraduate Research Scholarship for Summer and Autumn Quarter 2012
Walter Zahurancik and Jason Harrison both won the 2011-2012 Undergraduate Research Scholarship from the College of Arts and Sciences
Laura Sanman received the 2011 Irene Rosenfeld Scientific Achievement Award
Laura Sanman received the President’s Salute to Undergraduate Achievement, recognizing OSU’s top honor’s students
Laura Sanman was a Poster Award winner at the 2011 Ohio State University Natural and Mathematical Sciences Forum
Laura Sanman was awarded an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, making her the second undergraduate student researcher from the Suo Lab to win this prestigeous award.
David Beyer and Eric Bolin won the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Award for Summer Quarter 2010
David Beyer won the 2010 Mayers Summer Research Scholarship
David Beyer won the 3rd Place Award in the Biological Sciences Division at OSU Denman Undergraduate Research Forum in 2010
Laura Sanman won the 2010 Summer Undergraduate Research Program Award.
David Beyer won the 2010 Summer Undergraduate Research Program Award
Laura Sanman was awarded a Canaga Memorial Scholarship from The Ohio State University
Lindsey Pack was awarded an Irene Rosenfeld Scientific Achievement Award
Lindsey Pack & Laura Sanman were awarded a Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Award for Spring Quarter 2009
Lindsey Pack was judged Best Poster at the Biological, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences Student Research Forum
Lindsey Pack was awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Lindsey Pack won a 2008 Mayers and SURP Summer Research Internships
Sean Newmister was inducted into Ohio State’s Chapter (Epsilon of Ohio) of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008
Lindsey Pack was inducted into Ohio State’s Chapter (Epsilon of Ohio) of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008
Lindsey Pack won a 2007-2008 College of Arts and Sciences Research Scholarship
Sean Newmister won the Irene Rosenfeld Award in 2007
John Pryor and Sean Newmister won the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund award in 2007
Chen Fu won the 2007 SURP Summer Research Intership
Lindsey Pack won the 2007 SURP Summer Research Intership
Michael Corcoran won the 2007 Mayer’s and SURP Summer Research Interships
John Pryor placed 2nd in the Biological Sciences category of the 2007 Denman Undergraduate Research Forum
John Pryor won the 2007 College of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Colloquium
Sean Newmister won the Irene Rosenfeld Award in 2007
John Pryor won the Canaga Memorial Scholarship in 2007
Sean Newmister won the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Award in 2007
John Pryor won the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Award in 2007
Sean Newmister won College of Arts and Science Research Scholarship in 2007
Nikunj Bhatt was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Society in 2006
Sean Newmister won 2006 Mayers and SURP Summer Research Internships
John Pryor was selected to participate in the 2006 Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)
John Pryor won 2006 Winter Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund award
Sean Newmister won 2006 Winter Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund award
Sean Newmister won College of Arts and Science Research Scholarship in 2006
Jessica Sparling was selected to join Mortar Board (a national senior class honorary) in 2005
Nikunj Bhatt won the Outstanding Graduate Award in 2005
Nikunj Bhatt won the Canaga Memorial Scholarship in 2005
Nikunj Bhatt won the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Award in 2005
Cameron Hypes won the Outstanding Graduate Award in 2005
Cameron Hypes won the 2005 College of Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Colloquium
Nikunj Bhatt won College of Arts and Science Research Scholarship in 2004
Nikunj Bhatt won 2004 Winter Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund award
Nikunj Bhatt won 2004 Mayers Summer Research Internship