
May 22, 2013
Tallahassee Democrat

Dr. Angelina Sutin, an assistant professor at Florida State University’s College of Medicine, and her colleagues with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), recently examined data from a decade-long survey of Baltimore residents and found people from the survey who showed at least a 10 percent increase in weight also showed an increase in impulsiveness and a greater tendency to give into temptation.


Jun 03, 2013
Discover Magazine Blogs

A new study, done by Mohamed Kabbaj, neuroscientist at the FSU College of Medicine, finds that prairie vole’s rare partnerships are cemented by chemical changes on their genes, called epigenetic changes, that result from their sexual encounters. The results, published in Nature Neuroscience today, provide the first direct evidence of the link between epigenetics and monogamous bonding in voles.