Executive Board
The Executive Board consists of seven positions: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Co-secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer and the Faculty Advisor. Each officer within this executive board has specific duties which are outlined in more detail in the Chapter’s Constitution. The President serves as the chief executive officer of the organization, presides over all meetings, prepares the annual budget and facilitates all executive board meetings. The role of the Vice President is to perform the duties of the president in his/her absence, as well as coordinate all volunteer activities. The Secretary and Co-secretary are responsible for recording meeting minutes, sending e-mails to all members concerning meetings and important events and preparing agendas. The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining financial records of all monies received and spent. The Public Relations officer is responsible for video taping and taking pictures of chapter activities and events, preparing monthly newsletters, preparing power point presentations and keeping historical records.
Faculty Advisor: Thesla B. Anderson, Ed.D |