News of the Week

Word of Bhide Lab's research into ill effects of aspartame continues to spread

Artificial sweeteners are associated with learning and memory deficits that can be passed on to the next generation, scientists in Bhide Lab at the FSU College of Medicine have discovered.

These effects were seen after consuming as little as 10% of the Food and Drug Administration's daily recommendations.

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that is used in a variety of products and has been approved by the FDA for use in food and drinks. However, studies have found that aspartame is linked to a range of health problems, including Type 2 diabetes, obesity, mood and behavioral disorders, hormonal disruption and damage to DNA. In July, the World Health Organization said the sweetener can "possibly" cause cancer.

In a recent study published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports, Professor Pradeep Bhide, the Jim and Betty Ann Rogers Eminent Scholar chair of Developmental Neuroscience in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, and colleagues discovered that even low doses of aspartame over a sustained period can result in spatial learning and memory deficits, at least in mice. And those deficits can be passed on from fathers to their children.

Read the full story about this research in Newsweek.



Sep 19, 2023
The Messenger

A popular sugar-alternative has been linked to cognitive issues in a new study.

Researchers from Florida State University, in Tallahassee, found that mice who consumed a fraction of the recommended amount of aspartame had differences in their cognitive performance when compared to those who just drank water.

More worrying is that the rodents appeared to pass on the cognitive deficits to their pups. 


Sep 13, 2023
CNN Health

A person’s sense of purpose declines leading up to and following a diagnosis of dementia or cognitive decline, according to a new study.

“Purpose in life is the feeling that one’s life is goal-oriented and has direction. It is an important component of well-being,” said Dr. Angelina Sutin, lead author of the
study published Wednesday in the journal JAMA Network Open.

Researchers now know a sense of purpose is an important factor of good health across adulthood, added Sutin, professor of behavioral sciences and social medicine at the Florida State University College of Medicine in Tallahassee.


Sep 01, 2023
Infectious Disease Special Edition

Updated recommendations by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) giving an “A” rating to three available PrEP medications could further reduce the risk of acquiring HIV, providing challenges to access are improved.

“These recommendations are very important, as access to PrEP has been disappointing and uptake overall has been very low, particularly in communities most affected by HIV,” said Jonathan Appelbaum, chair of the Department of Clinical Sciences at Florida State University College of Medicine. 

Appelbaum went on to stress the importance of outreach and education for frontline health-care providers, many of whom “still don’t feel at ease prescribing PrEP.”

Despite the recommendations, access and insurance coverage for PrEP is also threatened by litigation.

“USPSTF’s new recommendation, if it is allowed to prevail in governing insurance coverage, will minimize cost barriers,” said Appelbaum, “but we will still have issues of access and stigma to deal with.”

News of the Week

College of Medicine champion Dr. Ray Bellamy passes

Dr. Ray Bellamy, an ardent and steadfast supporter of the Florida State University College of Medicine’s mission to provide patient-centered care in a community, passed away Aug. 22 after a brief illness. He was 83.

Ray Bellamy, M.D.
A tribute to Ray Bellamy, M.D. hangs in the atrium at the FSU College of Medicine's central campus.

“Dr. Ray Bellamy was the embodiment of patient-centered care, and his advocacy for our mission when others wanted us to go in a different direction was instrumental in helping us become what we are today – an innovative medical school that puts patients and community needs at the forefront,” Interim Dean Alma Littles said.  “He was simply a great guy.”

Bellamy was the original clerkship director for the surgical rotation at the Tallahassee Regional Campus, and he served as a mentor to the college’s first generation of medical students.

“His advocacy and passion for quality medical education were the perfect thing for our emerging and innovative school,” Dean-emeritus John P. Fogarty, M.D. said. “He will be sorely missed.”

Read the full obituary.

News of the Week

Flowers, Hogans-Mathews named AAFP Fellows

Kerwyn Flowers

Associate Professor Kerwyn Flowers, D.O., and Assistant Professor Shermeeka Hogans-Mathews, M.D., of the Department of Family Medicine and Rural Health at Florida State University’s College of Medicine recently were awarded the degree of Fellow by the American Association of Family Physicians (AAFP).

Established in 1971, the AAFP Degree of Fellow recognizes members who have distinguished themselves among their colleagues, as well as in their communities, by their service to family medicine, their advancement of health care to the American people, and their professional development
                                               through medical education and research.

Shermeeka Hogans-Mathews

Fellows of the AAFP are recognized as champions of family medicine. They are the physicians who make family medicine the premier specialty in service to their community and profession. From a personal perspective, being a Fellow signifies additional work in your community, within organized medicine and teaching, and a greater commitment to continuing professional development and/or research.


Dean's Message, August 2023

Aug 24, 2023
Alma B. Littles, M.D.

Now that fall semester is in full swing and all of our students are enrolled, I’m sending this dean’s message to extend my hearty welcome back!
For those in Tallahassee, if you don't already know it, or haven't experienced this before, a jarring reminder of the fall semester's arrival at FSU has begun. Students are moving into campus dorms and the madness of campus traffic is already upon us. This would be a good time for me to remind you to look carefully in all directions before you cross the street (or sidewalk).

Our first- and second-year medical students, Bridge students and PA-2 students are back and the PA-1 Class of 2024 started last week. Our third- and fourth-year medical  students and clinical-year PA students have continued in clerkships throughout the summer and have moved seamlessly into the fall semester. The residents in our GME programs have moved beyond the July 1 start of their year and are continuing to provide excellent care to their patients. And at the top of this week, our new candidates for the Ph.D. in biomedical sciences arrived, just one of many reminders that – YES! – the College of Medicine has a vibrant and rapidly growing research program. There is considerable good news to share about new research grants at the college, including a $1.9 million U.S. Environmental Protection Agency grant that has been prominently in the news this week.
The EPA put out a call for proposals nationwide and one school was selected for this grant. The proposal was written by our College of Medicine faculty members Gregg Stanwood and Javier Rosado, who will lead a four-year study involving nine FSU colleges. Sometimes I think people forget how much research we do here and it’s great to see us making the news again with this important part of our mission.

This will actually be my 21st year at the College of Medicine experiencing the eye-opening excitement of how the campus springs back to life each fall. My first six months (as of Aug. 1) as your interim dean have flown by – and we’re just now getting to the part where everything becomes a blur.

In September alone, we welcome the FSU Board of Trustees to the medical school for a portion of their fall meeting, host our fall clerkship directors meeting, celebrate the generosity of FSU students who have raised millions through Dance Marathon in support of our pediatric outreach programs, and welcome alumni to our annual reunion. The reunion (Sept. 22-24) and clerkship directors’ meeting (Sept. 20-22) both take place at the Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando.

Also getting underway:  the annual M.D. admissions cycle, which typically involves more than 7,000 applicants seeking one of 120 spots in our next class. Dr. Laywell recently encouraged faculty to become part of the interview committee that will get to know about 260 or more of those applicants who are invited to campus over the next 7-8 months. It’s an enormous team effort and vital to our success in producing outstanding future physicians.

This summer marked the 20th anniversary of our regional campuses in Orlando, Pensacola and Tallahassee. Much has changed since those campuses opened. Our first class began with 30 students in 2001. In 2003, 13 of those students went to our Orlando campus, seven to Pensacola and six to Tallahassee as the first at FSU to go through required and elective rotations in a community setting.  Those doctors are now enjoying tremendous success in all parts of the country.

Meantime, our numbers today always cause me to do a double take, considering I was here when those first students were meeting in trailers and the old Florida High building that once stood where our medical school’s central campus is located.  Today we have 1,846 M.D. alumni and our PA program, which graduates its fifth class in December, has another 160 alumni.
This week, several new faculty members at the College of Medicine participated in new-faculty orientation at FSU. As we continue to grow and produce more of the providers that Florida needs to meet its health-care needs, we also are bringing in outstanding faculty who teach, perform research and, in many cases, provide clinical care. I look forward to seeing you all together at our next faculty council meeting.

At the same time, we also are saying farewell to a number of outstanding faculty who are retiring or moving on to new roles elsewhere.
I’m happy to report that we have additional new faculty hires planned in the coming months to help us meet our growing needs.
And as for growing, the FSU Health initiative is starting to take on an identity that will naturally involve the College of Medicine in many ways.  I have been a part of numerous planning sessions as we discuss the development of a new, $125 million building that will start to come to life in the next few months near Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare.

I expect that this new facility will house TMH’s Family Medicine Residency Program, and we’ll also be expanding our clinical research efforts with new faculty researchers based in the new building, which will help us continue to expand our accomplishments in the area of discovery. The College of Medicine recently hit $150 million in research funding for the first time and I expect that growth to continue as the university invests in our future.
So, please, be careful out there as traffic intensifies and take time during this busy semester to embrace our mission and why you chose to be a part of it. I look forward to seeing those of you in Tallahassee at the fall Dean’s Ice Cream Social (look for an announcement soon), as well as many of you at the regional campuses during all-faculty meetings this fall. And, once more, Welcome Back!

Dr. Littles

News of the Week

Casey Rust receives HRSA Academic Career Award

Casey Rust, M.D.
Dr. Casey Rust

Casey Rust (M.D. 2016), an assistant professor in the Department of Geriatrics at the Florida State University College of Medicine, was recently awarded a Geriatrics Academic Career Award from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

The four-year, $326,984 grant will allow her to acquire new educational and research skills while advancing programs designed to improve geriatrics education for students and interprofessional teams in nursing homes.

This career advancement award is one of only 26 given this year by HRSA, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is the primary federal agency for improving access to health-care services for people who are uninsured, isolated or medically vulnerable.

News of the Week

Strong turnout for inaugural Specialty & Business Symposium

More than 150 students with an interest in medical careers attended Saturday’s inaugural Specialty & Business Symposium at the Florida State University College of Medicine.

Organized by College of Medicine students and funded through the Medical Student Council and Congress of Graduate Students, the day-long event featured presentations by six physicians who shared insights into their medical specialties as well as business realities.

Dr. Amy Haddock
Dr. Amy Haddock

Those in attendance included M.D. and Bridge students from the College of Medicine, undergraduates on a pre-medical track and high school students in the SSTRIDE program.

“The quality of presentations exceeded my expectations,” said Elizabeth Ruelke (M.D. Class of 2026), president of the Business and Medicine student organization and the event coordinator.  “Every presenter brought a nuance not previously shared and provided insights from their learned experience.”

Five of the six speakers are affiliated with the College of Medicine, either as clerkship faculty, alumni or both. Their specialty areas included internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, pediatrics and surgery.

The sixth, Ben White, M.D., is the associate program director of Radiology at Baylor University Medical Center, an author and noted lecturer on building a foundation in personal finance and student loans.

White shared his insight into a new student loan repayment plan that “lowers the effective interest rate” in addition to addressing financial strategies, behavioral economics and retirement.

First-year medical student Rachel Matson said the symposium provided her with insight into realities of medicine that are seldom discussed. “I walked away with knowledge I didn’t even know I needed,” she said.

Dr. Amy Haddock, an OB/GYN practicing at North Florida Women’s Care in Tallahassee, has long been affiliated with the College of Medicine. A member of the M.D. Class of 2013, she came up through SSTRIDE program, is a graduate of the Bridge to Clinical Sciences master’s degree program and is clerkship faculty at the Tallahassee Regional Campus.

In addition to sharing her passion for women’s health, Haddock discussed contract negotiation and the role of creativity in business. The first physician in her family, she also shared her mother’s words of advice to the Durell Peaden Auditorium gathering: “Your education is something that no one can ever take away from you.”

Dr. Ian Boykin, clerkship faculty of internal medicine at the Fort Pierce Regional Campus, discussed a wide range of topics, including the basics of medical business practice, insurance negotiations, risk tolerance and his love of medicine. “I’ve never worked a day in my life,” Boykin said. “I found my passion.”

Dr. Sarah Alvarez (M.D. Class of 2012), who is part of the North Florida Pediatrics practice in Tallahassee, discussed new directions in pediatrics, in addition to lifestyle considerations and couples match – an area of some expertise. She and her husband David Alvarez (M.D. Class of 2012), an orthopedic surgeon with Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic, completed their residency together at the LSU School of Medicine in Shreveport, La.

Vito Lombardi, another first-year medical student in attendance, took away something from all of the symposium panelists.

“Despite hearing from specialists who are in specialties I may not currently be considering, the wisdom they shared will no doubt help my classmates and I learn how to traverse this business model in a way that will not only protect our own peace, but also help us advocate for future at-risk patients,” he said.

Tallahassee Regional Campus clerkship faculty Drs. Joey Jarrard and Carolyn Drazinic, whose respective specialties are surgery and psychiatry, shared a similar message with the students.

“Learning is lifelong,” Drazinic said. “Learn about everything. You never know when you will need it.”

“Be humble,” said Jarrard. “And don’t specialize too early. Get everything you can out of every rotation.”

BAM officers flank Dr. Ben White
Business and Medicine student organization officers Neil Patel, Dr, Michael Sweeney (faculty advisor), Elizabeth Ruelke, Kevin Salimi and Pavlo Kravchuk flank featured speaker, Dr. Ben White (third from left). 


Press Release

FSU team led by College of Medicine researchers receives $1.9 million to study stressors on child health in rural areas

Aug. 21, 2023

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Chemical exposure and stressful or traumatic experiences during childhood both are known to have detrimental effects on human health, but little is known about how the two interact.

With a four-year, $1.9 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Florida State University will study the cumulative consequences of chemical and psychosocial stressors on child health through the Bioecological Center for Rural Children’s Health (BeRCH).

Led by the FSU College of Medicine, the center involves nine FSU colleges and 17 faculty researchers, and seeks to:

  • Document and evaluate the cumulative health impact of chemical and non-chemical stress exposures in rural children and families.
  • Develop a cumulative impact assessment leading to ways for reducing exposures and mitigating adverse health outcomes.
  • Develop and sustain translation, communication and community outreach activities to reduce early childhood and lifetime health disparities in underserved target communities.

“What both the basic sciences and human clinical studies have really taught us over the last few decades is that these factors interact in really complex ways and people consider them individually but not together,” said Gregg Stanwood, a developmental neuropharmacologist and behavioral neuroscientist at the College of Medicine and the study’s co-principal investigator.

FSU, the sole recipient of funding following the EPA’s call for proposals, is uniquely qualified for such research, said co-principal investigator Javier Rosado.

Rosado is director of clinical research at the FSU Center for Child Stress and Health in the Florida migrant farmworker community of Immokalee, where the university has been collecting data about adverse childhood experiences (ACE) in children for more than a decade. In Immokalee, children and families also commonly have higher-than-normal exposures to pesticides. Almost 80% of the population there is employed in agriculture, with a majority of those working in fields.

“Adults who have experienced ACEs are more likely to engage in behaviors such as smoking, substance use, physical inactivity and suicide attempts and have a higher likelihood of being diagnosed with chronic diseases like cancer, obesity and cardiovascular diseases,” Rosado said. 

Environmental stress, such as overexposure to chemicals, also can lead to unwanted health outcomes such as metabolic disease, neurological disease and learning disabilities.

“There is data suggesting that a child who has experienced traumatic events may react differently to potentially harmful chemicals than a child who has not had such experiences,” Stanwood said. “Our goal is to develop a new primary data set looking at these correlations and to come up with new ways to do risk assessments in the future.”

The study involves two projects. The first is focused on a group of families in Immokalee, where FSU researchers will gather data on air, water, surface and biological fluids to measure potential environmental toxicants, along with the exposure to adverse childhood experiences. Researchers will develop a “toxisome” for each child, and study how these experiences and exposures alter their neurobehavioral development, gut microbiome and neurodevelopmental trajectory.

This project will be co-led by Rosado and FSU College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences* Professor Bob Hickner.

In the second project, they will use publicly available data across the state to create a new cumulative impact assessment approach using artificial intelligence to find patterns that are not otherwise readily apparent. This project will be led by FSU College of Social Sciences & Public Policy Associate Professor Christopher Uejio and will map key physical, social and behavioral exposures and relate them to health outcomes data.

“The first project gives us a rich data set combining not only what we learn through our Center for Childhood Stress and Health, but also the fact that the women and children in our study are exposed to pesticides through their daily lives on a level not often seen in other communities,” Stanwood said.

Rosado added: “The project also gives us an opportunity to bring together diverse community stakeholders to consider ways of partnering to reduce the health risk associated with living in an agricultural community.”

The second project involves a novel risk assessment calculation conducted throughout the state at the zip code level, providing information about a diverse population of more than 21 million people to look for relevant patterns of health.

“Protecting children’s health is one of the most important responsibilities of the EPA and we are able to bring together expertise from numerous departments across campus to partner with them in taking on this critical challenge,” Vice President for Research Stacey Patterson said.

Other FSU researchers participating in the study include: Laurie Abbot and Jessica Bahorski (College of Nursing), Elena Reyes, Devon Graham and Ursula Weiss (College of Medicine), Ravinder Nagpal (College of Health and Human Sciences), Elizabeth Hammock (Department of Psychology), Zhe He (College of Communication and Information), Christopher Holmes and Ming Ye (Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science), Michael Killian (College of Social Work) and Joseph Schwartz (College of Criminology and Criminal Justice). Former FSU Professor of Human Development and Family Sciences Joe Grzywacz also assisted with the grant and will continue to support the project from his new position at San Jose State University.

*The College of Education and the College of Health and Human Sciences were recently combined to capitalize on the strengths of each college. The college’s name is pending final approval.