
Aug 16, 2017

Breastfeeding is often depicted as a seamless experience, but it's not easy for everyone. Joan Younger Meek, FSU College of Medicine's associate dean for graduate medical education, discusses some of the issues breastfeeding mothers face.


Aug 21, 2017
The Ledger

Winter Haven Hospital may receive funding to help develop a three-year family medicine residency program to bring much-needed primary care to uninsured or under-insured residents as well as underserved, at-risk, rural and elderly residents. Steve Nierman, president of Winter Haven Hospital, said the hospital is working on an agreement to partner with Florida State University’s College of Medicine.


Aug 22, 2017
The Ledger

Last week, Polk County’s Citizens Healthcare Oversight Committee recommended a three-year, $3.75 million initiative to launch a residency program at Winter Haven Hospital for primary-care physicians. Polk County, like many largely rural communities, is struggling to attract and keep primary-care doctors. Hospital President Steve Nierman said the hospital hopes to cut a deal with Florida State University’s medical school to supply the students.