
Jan 06, 2011
FSU MED Magazine

 Diagnosing head injuries, unfortunately, is an inexact science. The same blow to the head might cause drastically
different outcomes in two people who otherwise appear very similar. Also, there is not enough good research about what happens inside the brain when it’s exposed to a concussive blow. That’s where the College of Medicine’s unique educational model and burgeoning research program intersect.


Jan 06, 2011
FSU MED Magazine

The most provocative sign you’ll fi nd in the College of Medicine’s Thrasher Building may be “No Food or Drink in Classroom.” Yawn. Next door, though, in the medical school’s Research Building, is a collection of signs that are alternately sobering and mystifying. Here to help decode them is Myra Hurt, senior associate dean for research and graduate programs.


Sep 06, 2013
Orlando Sentinel

Orlando’s Medical City partnered with the Florida State University College of Medicine and other medical colleges as part of a program to prepare future generations of Orlando residents for medical careers. The College will bring Jones High School an elective college-prep program that includes after-school tutoring, parent meetings, mentoring from medical students and educational trips.