Spring 2023

Apr 28, 2023


May 24, 2023
Lataisia Jones, Ph.D.

Neuroscientist Lataisia Jones, the first Black woman to earn a biomedical sciences Ph.D. from the Florida State University College of Medicine in 2017, was among 120 women working in STEM fields represented with a bright-orange sculpture displayed on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. earlier this spring. The #IfThenSheCan exhibit, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institute and the If/Then initiative that connects girls with female leaders in science and technology, was recently featured in Washingtonian magazine.

News of the Week

Awards ceremonies recognize M.D. Class of 2023 standouts

On the eve of the Commencement Ceremony, the future physicians of the M.D. Class of 2023 were recognized at the Presentation of Awards, held at the College of Medicine’s Durell Peaden Auditorium.

Forty percent of the largest graduation class in the college’s history – 50 of 125 – were recognized with at least one honor spanning the college-wide and specialty award categories, but also including the previously announced regional campus award winners and inductees into the Delta Chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha and the FSU Chapman Chapter of the Gold Humanism honor societies.

A separate recognition ceremony for the honor society members was held earlier in the day. Both ceremonies were streamed and can be watched in their entirety here:

Honor Society Recognition Ceremony | Class of 2023 Presentation of Awards

The Presentation of Awards ceremony culminated with the recognition of eight college-wide award winners, who were selected from student and faculty nominations and based on achievement consistent with the mission of the FSU College of Medicine. The award recipients’ names are inscribed on a perpetual plaque on display at the college and receive their own plaques and a monetary award in recognition of their outstanding achievement.

The 2023 college-wide award winners:

§  J. Ocie Harris Outstanding Student Award, recognizing the student who has shown the best all-around promise of becoming a physician of the highest caliber and given in honor of the college’s dean 2002-2008: Tim Szilagyi Gemesi;

§  Myra M. Hurt Leadership in Medicine Award, recognizing exemplary leadership in one or more areas of medicine in honor of the college’s first acting dean: Elora Renee Friar;

§  Individual Achievement Award, in recognition of a student with significant contributions and achievements as recognized by her classmates and faculty: Michelle E. Flohr Rozanski;

§  Mission Award, recognizing excellence in furthering the college’s mission to educate and develop exemplary physicians who practice patient-centered health care, discover and advance knowledge, and respond to community needs, especially through service to underserved populations: Blake Patricia-Rae Meyer and Gabrielle Yap Sam;

§  Nobles/Brown Altruism in Medicine Award, recognizing exemplary concern for the health, well-being and fulfillment of others and the highest ideals of medicine as a service calling, given in memory of Stephen M. Nobles, M.D. (Class of 2011) and Robert L. Brown Sr., M.D. (PIMS Class of 1981): Jennifer Anne Trebilcock;

§  Student Research Award, recognizing sustained interest in research throughout the four years of medical education and a record of experience and achievement in research: Gabrielle LeBlanc;

§  Access to Care Award, in Honor of Robin McDougall, recognizing a strong, demonstrated interest in providing access to health care for underserved populations and sponsored by the Capital Medical Society Foundation in honor of the former We Care Network coordinator: Shivani Arza and Amber Hannah;

§  Linda Stine Interprofessional Leadership Award, recognizing outstanding effort to foster interprofessional education activities and/or team-based clinical activities, in honor of compassionate nurse Linda Stine: Shannon Pope.

A complete list of all M.D. Student Graduation Award winners can be viewed on our website, and a description of each award can be found in the ceremony program.

MD Class of 2023 Award Winners

News of the Week

Vignettes from 2023 Graduation Weekend

Sometimes there’s just too much good stuff to fit into one graduation story. Below are anecdotes from two days of joy, pride and unseasonably warm weather.

Natalia Correa, M.D. 2023

Dr. Natalia Correa’s parents were born in Colombia and came to the U.S. about 30 years ago, but she is Miami born and bred. She had a large contingent supporting her both at Friday’s Awards Ceremonies & Reception and Saturday’s graduation, including her grandmother and her godparents, who had flown from Bogota to be here.

“On my mom’s side of the family, I’m the only girl and the only doctor,” said Correa, who is headed to the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine at Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale for residency in general surgery.

Her family created a giant congratulatory banner to mark the occasion.

Natalia Correa poses in front of her family and the banner they created.
Natalia Correa poses in front of her family and a congratulatory banner after graduation. (Photo by Colin Hackley for the FSU College of Medicine.)


Alma Littles, M.D., interim dean

Dr. Paul McLeod carries the mace.
Dr. Paul McLeod carries the mace. (Photo by Colin Hackley for the FSU College of Medicine)

This year’s graduation marked two significant changes in Dr. Alma Littles’ role in the ceremony.

"In every M.D. commencement ceremony at Florida State before this one – all 18 of them – I have carried the mace at the head of the processional and recessional," Littles said. "The graduation mace dates to at least the 15th century when universities in the United Kingdom, including St. Andrews, Oxford and Cambridge, began using it as a symbol of authority in bestowing degrees upon worthy candidates."

This year, that honor fell to Paul McLeod, M.D., senior associate dean of regional campuses and dean of the Pensacola Regional Campus. Littles had a bigger role to play.

"I am honored to have accepted a new challenge: leading this medical school following Dr. (John) Fogarty's well-deserved retirement. Yet from where I stand now, I don't need a mace to tell you that you arrive here today as worthy candidates," she said. "It is my great honor and privilege to preside over this ceremony and to know that less than an hour from now, we will be calling you 'Doctor' -- all 125 of you, the largest class of new doctors this medical school has ever produced."

Interim Dean Alma Littles and Provost Jim Clark during the recessional
Interim Dean Alma Littles and Provost Jim Clark during the recessional (Photo by Colin Hackley for the FSU College of Medicine)

Tim Gemesi, M.D. 2023

Dr. Tim Gemesi carries his niece Mia Gemesi on his shoulders.
Dr. Tim Gemesi celebrates his graduation with his "amazing niece," Mia Gemesi. (Photo by Colin Hackley for the FSU College of Medicine)

Dr. Tim Gemesi begins his residency in obstetrics and gynecology soon at Stanford Health Care in Stanford, California. At Friday’s Class of 2023 Presentation of Awards ceremony, he was named recipient of the J. Ocie Harris Outstanding Student Award which recognizes the student who has shown the best all-around promise of becoming a physician of the highest caliber.

He also was co-recipient, along with Katherine Oliver, of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology’s outstanding medical student in OB/GYN in this year’s FSU class. Gemesi was also recognized as the Sarasota Regional Campus Dean’s Award winner, in addition to his membership in both medical honor societies, Delta Chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha and the FSU Chapman Chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society.

Initially, this first generation Hungarian-American seemed destined for a very different career. Gemesi spent much of his childhood playing piano and training as a classical singer. He graduated in 2016 from Oberlin College and Conservatory’s rigorous dual-degree program with a bachelor of arts in anthropology and a bachelor of music in vocal performance.

“Through my studies – along with an interest in anatomy I developed from yoga classes – I felt that medicine was the perfect way to combine the humanism of music, the cultural curiosity of anthropology and the organization of the scientific method,” he said.

After completing his premedical classes at the University of South Florida’s Sarasota-Manatee campus, the Sarasota native began medical school at FSU in 2019.

“I feel incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to study medicine here,” Gemesi said. “I hope to represent the Florida State University College of Medicine well as I build on that foundation at Stanford.”

Shellon Baugh, M.D. 2023

Sharon Baugh kisses the cheek of her daughter, Dr. Shellon Baugh, while dad Helan Baugh looks on proudly.
Sharon Baugh kisses her daughter as Dr. Shellon Baugh beams with joy and her father, Helan Baugh, looks on. (Photo by Colin Hackley for the FSU College of Medicine)

Sharon Baugh is one proud Mama. Helan Baugh is one proud Papa.

Their daughter, Dr. Shellon Baugh, is starting a residency in family medicine at AdventHealth Florida in Orlando. The family moved to Florida in 2006 from Jamaica.

“She is determined. She is humble. She is elegant, trustworthy, a hard worker,” Sharon Baugh said. “I am over the moon. It’s a dream come true.”

Dr. Baugh plans to practice in the United States and hopes to participate in mission trips abroad during her career.

Ishani Patel, M.D., and Daniel Alban, M.D., 2023

Ishani Patel and fiancé Dan Alban saw themselves in the crowd Saturday. Literally. Members of their families had created masks of the graduates’ faces to wear.

 “Our families wanted to come up with a unique and fun way to show their love and support,” Alban said. “Plus, it made it easier to spot them in a crowd, which was very convenient, ha ha.”

He believes his mother and sisters came up with the idea.

“They are crafty and like to try new projects to shake things up. Ultimately, it was a cute and simple way of expressing how much they love us and how proud they are of us,” he said. “Ishani and I are definitely blessed to have such amazing family.”

They are headed to New York City for their residencies, she in pediatrics at New York Presbyterian Hospital -- Columbia University Medical Center and he in internal medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital.

Dr. Ishani Patel and Dr. Daniel Alban, surrounded by their families and holding masks.
Dr. Ishani Patel and her fiance, Dr. Daniel Alban, surrounded by their families and the masks they wore. (Photo by Colin Hackley for the FSU College of Medicine)


Moved by military recognition

Mary Ann Hall, whose niece Lauren Smiarowski graduated Saturday and begins her residency in pediatrics at Orlando Health, was grateful to see the military promotion ceremony incorporated into Commencement Exercises.

Dr. Jordin Giles Zuelke among the three Dr. Brian Nykanen, Dr. Jordin Giles Zuelke and Dr. Eric Minnix raise their right hands to reaffirm their military oaths of office following their promotions to captain, Nykanen and Zuelke in the Army and Minnix in the Air Force.
Dr. Jordin Giles Zuelke, center between Dr. Brian Nykanen and Dr. Eric Minnix, raise their right hands to reaffirm their military oaths of office following their promotions to captain, Nykanen and Zuelke in the Army and Minnix in the Air Force. (Photo by Robert Thomas of the FSU College of Medicine.

“I was very glad to see the military represented,” said the former U.S. Army nurse who lives in Gainesville. “I have never seen that done before and I really appreciate it.”

She was happy to see Dr. Jordin Giles Zuelke among the three officers promoted to captain – with Dr. Brian Nykanen and Zuelke in the Army and Dr. Eric Minnix in the Air Force.

Dr. Barrie Bedasee
Dr. Barrie Bedasee

“It meant a lot to me, especially since there weren’t a lot of women in the military when I was in it.”

She was also pleased a woman was among the four U.S. Navy veterans standing on stage for the playing of “Anchors Aweigh” during the Armed Forces Medley.

Dr. Barrie Bedasee was touched to learn that her Navy service meant something to Hall. “Thanks for telling me.”

Bedasee was in the Navy from 2015 to 2018, stationed at Camp Pendleton, California. She starts her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at University of Miami/Jackson Health System.

Armed Forces Day falls on the third Saturday in May, just as the FSU College of Medicine graduation does. Dean-emeritus John P. Fogarty, a physician and retired U.S. Army colonel, established the promotion ceremony as part of the graduation program early in his tenure as dean. Earlier that morning, Fogarty led a pinning ceremony held for the military graduates.

Wainwright encore

Little James Wainwright almost stole the show at his parents’ graduation, decked out in commencement regalia that matched his parents’ attire. And there’s an interesting story about this little guy’s birthday that his father, Dr. Jared Wainwright, shared, giving us an excuse to post another photo of the cutie.

James was born Nov. 18, 2022. He shares that birthday with Jared’s brother, Jacob Wainwright, and Jared and Jacob’s father, Jeffrey Wainwright. All three birthday boys are the first-born son of their respective families. They’re going to need a really big cake come November!

James Wainwright
James Wainwright (Photo courtesy of Drs. Jared and Lethia Wainwright)



News of the Week

Thomas (M.D., '24) presented CHHS' GOLD Award

Nicholas Thomas (M.D., ’24) was recently honored as the 2023 Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) Award recipient at the College of Health and Human Sciences Honors & Awards Ceremony.

Thomas, who earned his undergraduate degree in exercise physiology from the college in 2018, was cited for his exemplary leadership and service to the community. Among many leadership roles and community involvement initiatives, Thomas is co-founder of The Extraordinary Kids Foundation Inc., a non-profit with a mission to provide personalized care to children with developmental disabilities.

“Nicholas truly exemplifies what it means to be a leader and continuously strives to lift as he climbs, providing peer mentorship along the way,” wrote College of Medicine classmate Taha Hmissa in Thomas’ nomination letter.

Thomas was presented his GOLD Award by College of Health and Human Sciences interim dean Damon Andrew, which read: 

Recognizing him as an outstanding young alumnus of the Florida State University College of Health and Human Sciences. He has taken the knowledge gained throughout his education and applied it in the community and workplace and has had notable achievement in his career, entrepreneurial ventures, and community involvement.

In 2021, Thomas was selected as one of six Notable Noles to receive the Reubin Askew Young Alumni Award, which is the highest honor bestowed upon young Florida State University alumni. In 2016, Thomas and his family opened QLH (Quality Care, Loving Hands, Hopeful Hearts) Kids, a Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care (PPEC) facility in Lake Worth, offering full-time care for underprivileged children with special needs.

At the College of Medicine, Thomas is president of his class, has served as the sports medicine chair for the Family Medical Interest Group and led the Tar Wars Initiative, where he taught fourth- and fifth-graders in Tallahassee about tobacco-use prevention and lung health.

A member of the American Public Health Association, he is an advocate for health equity and has also conducted and presented research on the health impacts of the work-family interface among African Americans. He is also a member of the research team investigating pediatric knee development through the Department of Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery at Stanford University.

Nicholas Thomas and Health and Human Sciences interim dean Damon Andrew

News of the Week

Flowers named to Emerging Leaders program

Kerwyn L. Flowers, an assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Rural Health at the Florida State University College of Medicine, has been selected to participate in the university’s Leadership Development Program for Emerging Leaders for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Kerwyn Flowers, D.O.
Kerwyn Flowers, D.O.

“I am honored to accept the invitation to the Emerging Leaders Program,” said Flowers, who also serves as director of rural medical education and director of clinical programs.

The leadership program, designed and led by Norman Anderson, assistant vice president for research and academic affairs and research professor of social work and nursing, works with deans to identify rising leaders and help them accomplish leadership or academic goals. The 2023-2024 cohort will be the fifth one to complete the program; 17 of the 20 who were nominated agreed to participate, Anderson said. The first class, in 2019-2020, had 12 participants. Since then, each cohort has had between 20 and 23 participants.

According to the invitation letter from Janet Kistner, FSU vice president for faculty development and advancement, and professor of psychology, the program initially focused on leadership development for department chairs, associate deans and leaders of research institutes.

“However, we are now in our fourth year of offering a year-long leadership program for ‘emerging leaders’ – those who are viewed by their deans as having clear potential for leadership and service at FSU and beyond,” Kistner wrote.

Flowers joined the College of Medicine faculty in the spring of 2017. Previously, she was a faculty member at the Floyd Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program in Rome, Georgia, where she helped train residents and medical students in both inpatient and outpatient settings. She also served as the director of Osteopathic Medical Education.

She earned her bachelor’s degree at Florida A&M University, graduated from the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2007 and completed her family medicine residency at Akron City Hospital in Ohio in 2010. Following several years in private practice in the North Florida/South Georgia area, she completed an academic medicine fellowship at Northeast Ohio Medical University in Akron in 2015.

Flowers is dually board-certified in family medicine, from both the American Osteopathic Association and the American Board of Family Medicine. Her areas of special interest include musculoskeletal medicine, preventive health care, medical student education in clinical examination and diagnostic skills, patient partnership and empowerment, underserved communities and rural health.

She is the third faculty member from the College of Medicine to participate since the program’s inception. Flowers follows Naharika Suchak, associate professor from the Department of Geriatrics (2021-22) and Nicole Ennis, associate professor and vice chair of the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine (2022-23).


News of the Week

Florida's abortion laws protect a pregnant person's life, but not for mental health

Heather Flynn, a psychologist and chair of the FSU College of Medicine's Department of Behavioral Science and Social Medicine, is concerned that mental health is not an exception when the life of a pregnant person is at risk under the new six-week abortion ban recently signed by Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Flynn shared her concerns on NPR's All Things Considered.

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