Faculty Publications & Scholarly Activities

The selected publications and presentations listed below highlight the work of the Department's full-time faculty. To view a complete listing of faculty interests, visit About Our Research. Complete lists of faculty publications and presentations are available on their faculty profiles.

Lisa Granville, MD

Granville LJ. Prostate Disease, In Medina-Walpole A, Pacala JT (Eds). Geriatrics Review Syllabus: A Core Curriculum in Geriatric Medicine. 9th ed., New York, NY: American Geriatrics Society, 2016.

Granville L. “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” Six week course at Alzheimer’s Project, Tallahassee, FL, completed October 17, 2017.

Granville L. “Taking Care of Your Heart,” Senior Savvy Presentations at Capital Health Plan, Tallahassee, FL, November 3 and 17, 2017.  

Paul Katz, MD

Hawk C, Schneider MJ, Haas M, Katz P et al. Best practices for chiropractic care for older adults: A Systematic Review and Consensus Update. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 40(4):217-229, 2017.

Saba S, Nicolici DF, Tang A, Schechter J, Katz P, Mah L. Depression predicts functional outcome in geriatric inpatient rehabilitation. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(3):500-507, 2017.

Xan Nowakowski, PhD

Nowakowski, ACH., Barningham, KE, Buford, CD, Laguerre, M, & Sumerau, JE (2017). “That Pain Is Genuine to Them”: Provider Perspectives on Chronic Pain in University Student Populations. The Qualitative Report, 22(7), 1186-1201.

Nowakowski, ACH, Barningham, KE, Buford, CD, Laguerre, M, & Sumerau, JE (2017). “A Tricky One”: Barriers to Non-Opioid Pain Management in University Health Care. Florida Public Health Review, 14(1), 60-66.

Nowakowski ACH. “Allergy Testing: Nothing to Sneeze At!” plenary presentation at American Lung Association Central Florida Chapter 2017 Lung Force Expo, Orlando, FL, November 10, 2017.

Nowakowski ACH. “The Strange Case of Baby X: How Genetic Counseling Can Transform Cystic Fibrosis Care” at Genetic Counseling Case Studies course for MS degree candidates, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, November 15, 2017.

Niharika Suchak, MBBS

Suchak N. “Geriatrics Literature Update” at FMDA’s 26th Annual Conference: Best Care Practices in the Post-Acute & Long-Term Care Continuum in Orlando, FL, October 14, 2017.

Kapp MB, Brummel-Smith K, & Suchak N. “End of Life Discussions, Decisions, and Care ” at FMDA’s 26th Annual Conference: Best Care Practices in the Post-Acute & Long-Term Care Continuum in Orlando, FL, October 14, 2017.

Suchak N. “Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment: An Overview POLST Overview” at FMDA’s Quality Advocacy Coalition (FQAC) Strategic Forum – The Impact of End-of-Life Care & Advance Directives on Hospital Re-admissions in Orlando, FL, October 12, 2017.

Suzanne Baker, MA

Drowos J, Baker S, Harrison SL, ..., Baker D. (2017) Faculty Development for Medical School Community-Based Faculty: A Council of Academic Family Medicine Educational Research Alliance Study Exploring Institutional Requirements and Challenges. Academic Medicine. doi:10.1097/ACM.0000000000001626.

Baker D, Baker S, Chessman A, Drowos J, Harrison S, Minor S. “Faculty Development for Medical School Community-Based Faculty,” at the Society for Teachers in Family Medicine annual meeting, Anaheim, CA, February 2017. 

Antonio Terracciano, PhD

Sutin AR, Rust G, Robinson E, Daly M, & Terracciano A (2017). Parental perception of child weight and inflammation: Perceived overweight is associated with higher child c-reactive protein. Psychology, 130, 50-53.

Stephan Y, Sutin AR, Bayard S, & Terracciano A (2017). Subjective age and sleep in middle-aged and older adults. Psychology and Health, 32, 1140-1151.

Stephan Y, Sutin AR, Luchetti M, Terracciano A (2017). Feeling older and the development of cognitive impairment and dementia. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 72, 966-973.

Terracciano A, Stephan Y, Luchetti M, Gonzalez-Rothi R, Sutin AR (2017). Personality and lung function in older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 72, 913-921.

Terracciano A. “Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, and Personality Stability Among Older Adults” at APS Annual Convention, APS, Boston, MA, June 2017.

Terracciano A. “Personality and Insomnia” at Biennial Meeting of the Association for Research in Personality, Association for Research in Personality, Sacramento, CA, June 2017.

Terracciano, A. “Personality Traits and Risk of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: New Data and Meta-Analysis” at 21th IAGG World Congress on Gerontology and Geriatrics, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, June 2017.

Terracciano A. “How Old Do You Feel? Current Directions In Subjective Age Research” at 21th IAGG World Congress on Gerontology and Geriatrics in San Francisco, CA, June, 2017.

Terracciano, A. “Personality and dementia: Temporal evolution, reverse causality, and uncoupling neuropathology from dementia” workshop delivered at Workshop on Understanding Pathways to Successful Aging: Behavioral and Social Factors Related to Alzheimer’s Disease organized by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, DC, September 2017.

Casey Rust, MD

Casey Rust Publications:
Older Adult Driver Safety. Rust C, Pomidor A. Comprehensive Guide to Safety and Aging: Minimizing Risk, Maximizing Security. 2023.

Tried and True Strategies for Managing Acute Agitation in Adults with Dementia. Rust C, Villegas A, Coniglio N. Caring for the Ages. Oct 2022.

Reimagining Medical Care in Assisted Living. Katz P, Howd S, Rust C. Journ Am Med Dir Assoc. Feb 2022.

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