NovaSeq Data Access/Analysis
Information for Illumina NovaSeq X Plus sequencing data:
RCC Account:
In order to access the sequencing data, generate an account (guest account if outside FSU) with the FSU Research Computing Center (RCC).
If sequencing samples are pooled and demultiplexing is needed, the user should provide an index sheet to TSL (; The index sheet should be generated using the Illumina Experiment Manager software for demultiplexing compatibility.
Data Access:
Data Transfer:
FSU RCC preferred approach for data transfer is via Globus.
Please use the following information on the Globus transfer page:
Endpoint: fsurcc#GPFS#research
Path to data: /medicine/sequencer/CORRESPONDING_PATH_PROVIDED_BY_EMAIL
Analysis Software:
The following software packages and others are available for data analysis at the RCC: FastQC, Samtools, Biopython, Abyss, Bowtie/Bowtie2, BWA, Star aligner, Tophat, Cufflinks, R packages, HTSeq, Trimmomatic.