Resources to Promote Integration

Interview with Dr. David Satcher

Dr. David Satcher, MD, PhD has served as 16th US Surgeon General, Former US Asst. Sec'y of HHS, Former CDC Director, and Founding Director of the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine. He visited with his former Morehouse colleague and friend (now FSU-COM Professor), Dr. George Rust, on March 24th, 2016, and offered his perspectives on health equity, community health, social determinants of health, medicine, and public health.  

Brief Clips:
Extended Interviews:
Grand Rounds Presentation (March 24, 2016)


On-Line Resources to Promote
Integration of Public Health and Medicine:

Association of State & Territorial Health Officers (ASTHO) 

Primary Care - Public Health Integration Forum (ASTHO)

Video -- What does PCPH Integration Mean to Judy Monroe, Deputy Director,
Office for State Tribal Local & Territorial Support, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)


Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)

CDC Primary Care & Public Health Initiative

CDC Milestone Project --
Advancing Integration of Population Health into Graduate Medical Education

CDC Resources on Primary Care & Public Health Integration

Practical Playbook (de Beumont Foundation, Duke U, and CDC)

Practical Playbook for Bringing Public Health and Primary Care Together

Practical Playbook National Meeting (May 22-24, 2016)

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Initiative

Culture of Health Overview

Nurturing Integrated Systems

American Public Health Association

American Journal of Public Health - 2012 issue on integration of public health and pri

mary care

Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)

Practice-Based Population Health: Information Technology to Support Transformation to Proactive Primary Care

National Academy of Medicine

IOM Report -- Primary Care and Public Health: Exploring Integration to Improve Population Health (CDC & HRSA initiative to explore practical integration)

National Academies Video on Integration of Primary Care and Public Health

Public Health Foundation

Resources for Fostering Population Health Coalitions & Partnerships

Myths that Fuel Resistance to Public Health & Hospital Collaboration (article)

American Academy of Family Physicians

Graham Center Curriculum on Community-Oriented Primary Care (COPC)

AAFP Position Paper on Integration of Primary Care & Public Health

Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)

HRSA's Five Public Health Priorities