Press Release

Diane McFarlin Joins FSU College of Medicine Community Board

Contact: Toula Kane
Pone: 941-316-8120
Fax: 941-316-8146

July 12, 2006

Sarasota - The Florida State University College of Medicine, Sarasota campus, is pleased to announce that Diane H. McFarlin, president and publisher of the Herald-Tribune Media Group, has joined the college’s Community Board. The announcement was made by Dr. Bruce Berg, dean of the medical school’s Sarasota campus.

“We are delighted to welcome Diane to the Community Board of the FSU College of Medicine. Her background and wealth of experience outside of the medical community will be invaluable to us and bring a different voice to our discussions,” said Berg. “We look forward to Diane’s participation and guidance as our campus continues to grow in the coming years.”

McFarlin began her newspaper career as a reporter and copy editor in Sarasota, Florida. She became managing editor of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune in 1985, and two years later was named executive editor of the Gainesville (Fla.) Sun, which is also owned by The New York Times Company. She returned to Sarasota in 1990 as the executive editor of the Herald-Tribune. On November 1, 1999, McFarlin was named publisher of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, a New York Times Company newspaper. She has served as a past president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors and the Florida Society of Newspaper Editors.

The Florida State University College of Medicine is the first allopathic medical school (M.D. program) to open in the United States since 1982. First- and second-year basic sciences and clinical skills are taught in a new state-of-the-art facility in Tallahassee. For the third and fourth years, students are assigned to one of several campuses around the state where they participate in clinical clerkships taught by board certified physicians in local hospitals, ambulatory care facilities and physician offices.

The Community Board for each of the medical school’s regional campuses serves in an advisory capacity to the campus dean and includes representation from the local medical community, as well as the community at large.

For more information contact Toula Kane at 941/316-8120 or email Toula at