Curriculum Map

Year 1 Curriculum (Class of 2024)

(11 wks)
Fall (18 weeks)Spring (18 weeks)Summer
(3 weeks)
BMS 6037
Foundations of Medicine 1:  Organization and Structure
BMS 6030
Foundations of Medicine 2: Molecules to Mechanisms
(9 wks)
BMS 6041
(9 wks)
BMS 6042
Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems
(9 wks)
BMS 6043
Endocrine and Renal-Urinary Systems
(8 wks)
BMS 6940 Summer Clinical Practicum
Community-based clinical experience

Year 2 Curriculum (Class of 2023)

(4 weeks)
Fall (17 weeks)Spring (18 weeks)

 BMS 6040 Gastrointestinal System

(4 weeks)

BMS 6046 Neuroscience: CNS and Behavior

(9 weeks)

BMS 6047 Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems 

(4 weeks)

BMS 6044 Hematopoietic System

(4 weeks)

BMS 6637 Reproductive System

(4 weeks)

BMS 6960 USMLE Independent Study

(8 weeks)

BMS 6801 Preclerkship Boot Camp (3 weeks)

Electives for Year 1 & 2

Fall (15 weeks)Spring (15 weeks)
MDE 6041 Elementary Medical Spanish IMDE 6045 Elementary Medical Spanish II
MDE 6042 Intermediate Medical SpanishMDE 6042 Intermediate Medical Spanish

Year 3 Curriculum (Class of 2022)

1 week6 weeks6  weeks4 weeks6 weeks6 weeks2 weeks4 weeks6 weeks6 weeks 
OrientationBCC 7175 Family MedicineBCC 7160 SurgeryFLEX ElectiveBCC 7112 Internal MedicineBCC 7150 PsychiatryBCC 7170 Community MedicineFLEX Elective and FOSCEBCC 7140 PediatricsBCC 7130 OB/GYN
BCC 7182 Doctoring 3 and Longitudinal Clinical Experience (1 day per week)

Year 4 Curriculum (Class of 2021)

28 weeks
Selective: either / orRequired

BCC 7176 
Family Medicine Sub-Internship

(4 weeks)

BCC 7113
Internal Medicine Sub-Internship

(4 weeks)

BCC 7180 Emergency Medicine

(4 weeks)

BCC 7174 Primary Care Geriatrics

(4 weeks)

BCC 7201 Residency Preparation Boot Camp

(3 weeks)


(16 weeks; at least 8 weeks at FSU COM Regional Campuses

Current Academic Calendar