Research Interests

The goal of the Department's research efforts is to study the multiple domains of health and well-being of older adults and to examine how we can best educate further physicians to care for this population. The Department's faculty conduct research on a wide range of topics related to aging, aging policy, health, and healthcare delivery. Below is a list of each faculty member's research and scholarly interests.


FacultyResearch and Scholarly Interests
Suzanne BakerDisparities in health outcomes for older adults, depression, research methodology and ethics, medical education
Casey RustDementia and memory disorders, mental health, long-term care, transitions of care
Lisa GranvilleMedical education: competency-based learning, development of clinical skills, use of simulators and standardized patients, assessment of learning outcomes
Clinical topics: urinary incontinence, prostate disorders, falls and gait disorders
Paul KatzLong-term care workforce, geriatric education, quality improvement
Heidi KinsellAccess, utilization, and quality of care, healthcare workforce, mental health/substance abuse, health economics, health policy
Mridul MazumderNeurocognitive and personality disorders, medical education, and ECT
Chris MulrooneyChange in long-term care; competency model development and competency-based assessment of healthcare executives, physician leaders, and nursing assistants; leadership development
Xan NowakowskiHealth equity issues in the experience and management of chronic conditions as people age
Niharika SuchakAssessment tools for learning outcomes in medical education, transitions of care, functional status, patient care planning with use of Resident Assessment Instruments (RAI), interprofessional teamwork and team-based care
Antonio TerraccianoAging, personality, genetics, health, neurodegenerative diseases, cross-cultural studies