Preparing and Using Cases for Teaching

Case Writing Resources

The links below provide information on writing cases and teaching using case based instruction. The links are categorized according to tips and strategies, assessment of cases, example cases, and references. All links open a new browser window.

Tips & Strategies for Writing and Using Cases

Desirable Components/Characteristics of Cases for Small Group Learning [pdf]
Provides a checklist (with explanations) of case components.

National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science
Website containing resources focusing on case method teaching, assessing case instruction, case ideas and examples, and more. Developed by the University of Buffalo.

Why use cases?
Website containing bulleted list descriptions on underlying procedures for using cases, case based process, characteristics of a good case, choosing and using a case, materials to use for case, and more. Developed by the Walker Teaching Resource Center, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.



References on Case-Based Learning

Burgess, K. L. (2004). Is your case a problem? Journal of STEM Education, 5(1 and 2), 42-44.

Carlson, R., Barise, A., & Wooldridge, D. (2005). Toward authentic case-based assessment: Developing quality family sciences professionals. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences Education, 23(1).

Demarco, R., Hayward, L., & Lynch, M. (2002). Nursing students' experiences with and strategic approaches to case-based instruction: a replication and comparison study between two disciplines. J Nurs Educ, 41(4), 165-174.

Farhoomand, A. (2004). Writing teaching cases: A quick reference guide. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 13, 103-107.

Gini, A. R. (1985). The case method: A perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 4(4), 351-352.

Krishnan, R. T. (2004). Case method: A perspective, AIMA National Workshop on Case Development. Bangalore, India

Shinn, S. (2004). Getting down to cases. Biz Ed, January/February.

Sutyak, J. P., Lebeau, R. B., & O'Donnell, A. M. (1998). Unstructured cases in case-based learning benefit students with primary care career preferences. Am J Surg, 175(6), 503-507.

Walters, M. R. (1999). Case-stimulated learning within endocrine physiology lectures: An approach applicable to other disciplines. Advances in Physiology Education, 21(1), S74-S78.

Williams, B. (2005). Case based learning--a review of the literature: is there scope for this educational paradigm in prehospital education? Emerg Med J, 22(8), 577-581.

Williams, S. M. (1992). Putting case-based instruction into context: Examples from legal and medical education. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2(4), 367-427.