
Date/Publication Headline/Description

Each year, the Department of Transportation tries to warn people not to drive drowsy, but FSU College of Medicine Professor Dr. Alice Pomidor says a more effective way to reach people might be through their cell phones.

Tallahassee Democrat

For those who enjoy thought-provoking comment from the world of medicine, the Florida State University College of Medicine has organized a compelling list of speakers for its 2013-14 Grand Rounds lecture series.

MedCity News

Kimberly Driscoll, a pediatric psychologist who studies type 1 diabetes treatment adherence at Florida State University College of Medicine in Tallahassee, is quoted in this article about healthcare costs for children who are non-adherent with their medications.

Tallahassee Magazine

Among Tallahassee's health care experts, Dean Fogarty emphasizes the care of the patient and primary care physicians.

Tallahassee Magazine

Tallahassee’s health care community is preparing for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and the College of Medicine will play a part. Dean Fogarty contributes to the conversation, emphasizing the patient’s responsibilities.

Tallahassee Magazine

Florida State University College of Medicine students are benefitting from the new surgical observation room at Red Hills Surgical Center.

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine

Student-produced creative arts journals now exist in several medical schools. The Florida State University College of Medicine (FSUCOM) has created HEAL: Humanism Evolving through Arts and Literature. This study sought to determine what influence, if any, HEAL publications may have on medical students.


While some states are moving to adopt the POLST approach through legislation or regulation, the strategy in Florida is to test this new tool in pilot projects around the state and build enthusiasm for the concept far from the political arena. Marshall Kapp, director of the Florida State University medical school's Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law, is quoted in the article.

Government Health IT

Five public health agencies have garnered the Public Health Accreditation Board’s stamp of approval. The director of the Center for Medicine and Public Health at the FSU College of Medicine, Leslie M. Beitsch, MD, is quoted in the article. Beitsch is also the Public Health Accreditation Board vice chair.

Tallahassee Democrat Campus Notes

The Florida Heart Research Institute (FHRI) has named FSU College of Medicine professor Jose Pinto its Stop Heart Disease Researcher of the Year.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Five public health agencies have garnered the Public Health Accreditation Board’s stamp of approval. The director of the Center for Medicine and Public Health at the FSU College of Medicine, Leslie M. Beitsch, MD, is quoted in the article. Beitsch is also the Public Health Accreditation Board vice chair.


Five public health agencies have garnered the Public Health Accreditation Board’s stamp of approval. The director of the Center for Medicine and Public Health at the FSU College of Medicine, Leslie M. Beitsch, MD, is quoted in the article. Beitsch is also the Public Health Accreditation Board vice chair.

Tallahassee Democrat

Two FSU College of Medicine faculty members, Maggie Blackburn, director of rural health in the Department of Family Medicine and Rural Health, and Gail Bellamy, director of the Center for Rural Health Research and Policy are mentioned in this article about the Neighborhood Medical Center’s presence in Havana. The FSU College of Medicine is one of the facilities partners.

Tallahassee Democrat

An FSU College of Medicine student from the Class of 2015, Sarah- Ashley Robbins, has written a blog sharing her thought on medicare-funded residency slots.

Detroit Free Press

A new study by researchers from the Florida State University College of Medicine found that discriminating against someone for being fat isn’t real helpful; it tends to make people gain weight.

Tallahassee Democrat

120 FSU College of Medicine students received their white coat during the white coat ceremony at Ruby Diamond Auditorium on Friday night.


Dr. Aref Rifai, a clerkship faculty member at FSU’s College of Medicine, is the first American-based eye doctor to perform surgeries in hospitals located in two northern Syria towns in territory currently held by the Free Syrian Army, the rebel group trying to overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

Florida State 24/7

Mohamed Kabbaj, a professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the College of Medicine, received a $1.8 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to support his research on the general anesthetic drug ketamine.


Mohamed Kabbaj, a professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the College of Medicine, received a $1.8 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to support his research.

Tallahassee Democrat

Tallahassee Memorial Hospital has started a transition center that would not only help people stay healthy after leaving the hospital but also help those in danger of being hospitalized in the first place. It opened in partnership with the Capital Health Plan and the Florida State University College of Medicine and gives patients who don’t have ready access to a doctor a chance to sit down with a health professional, be evaluated and receive treatment if necessary.

The Medical News

A study published in the August 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry demonstrates support for the changes in autism symptom structure for toddlers with autism spectrum disorder. The study was led by Whitney Guthrie, Health & Human Services Specialist, of the Autism Institute at FSU.

The Daily News

Researchers from the Florida State University College of Medicine found that rather than motivating individuals to lose weight, weight discrimination increases risk for obesity.

Academic Medicine

Minority faculty face difficulties remaining in academic medicine for most of the same reasons that minority students have trouble remaining in college. Kendall M Campbell M.D. and José E. Rodríguez, MD, associate professors of family medicine and rural health at FSU’s College of Medicine explain in this letter to the editor.

Tallahassee Democrat Campus Notes

Michael Sweeney, M.D., M.B.A. (B.S. ’75), surgeon and FSU College of Medicine assistant professor, was elected to the FSU Alumni Association National Board of Directors.

Tallahassee Democrat Campus Notes

Mohamed Kabbaj, a professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the FSU College of Medicine, is learning more about why the drug ketamine, used as an antidepressant for the last decade, requires a higher dosage to improve depression in males.

Tallahassee Democrat

Ad in the Tallahassee Democrat featuring Ajay Mhatre, M.D., Class of 2005, who was just hired at Capital Regional Cardiology Associates.


Dr. Mark Stavros, education director of emergency medicine for the FSU College of Medicine and clerkship director for emergency medicine at the College of Medicine’s Pensacola regional campus, recently made his eighth FSUCares trip to Panama with a group of medical students to help provide care to residents in a remote area. This time, he took with him a Transportable Examination Station, or TES, from GlobalMed which allowed him to consult with colleagues back home in Florida on medical cases.

Tri-City Herald

Researchers from the Florida State University College of Medicine say rather than motivating individuals to lose weight, weight discrimination increases the risk for obesity.


On July first, TMH stopped using the purple “Do Not Resuscitate” wristbands on patients who’d chosen to not be resuscitated if their heart or breathing stopped. Dr. Ken Brummel-Smith, chair of Florida State University’s Department of Geriatrics, is quoted in this article.


Gerry Maitland, a professor of neurology in the Department of Clinical Sciences in the College of Medicine, has teamed up with fellow Florida State University researchers to investigate a new use for a popular sports supplement to improve the lives of Parkinson’s disease and Multiple sclerosis patients.

Naples Daily News

Last year, medical students from Florida State University College of Medicine assisted the Healthcare Network which provided $3.4 million in uncompensated health care to 45,000 under- or uninsured people (32,000 of whom were children).

Business Insider

New research from FSU’s College of Medicine shows that making people feel bad about their bodies actually increases the risk of obesity, rather than encouraging people to lose pounds. The research, done by Angelina Sutin and Antonio Terracciano, was published in the journal PLOS One on July 24.

The Florida Bar

The Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law at Florida State University will hold a “Grand Rounds” at the College of Medicine at 4 p.m., September 12, in the auditorium of the College of Medicine (Thrasher) Building.

The National

In a study published in the health journal PLoS ONE Florida State University psychologist Angelina Sutin found that “fat-shaming" is not only hurtful and demeaning, it has real consequences for the individual's physical health.

Fox News

A new study shows that discriminating against people because of their weight may only increase their likelihood of gaining more weight. The study was led by Angelina Sutin, professor of psychology at Florida State University College of Medicine, and published in the latest issue of the online journal PLOS One.


According to a new study published in the journal PLOS One, humiliating older adults about their weight problem doesn’t make them slim down. Angelina Sutin, a psychologist at the Florida State University’s College of Medicine is the study author.

Journal of Emergency Medical Services

Florida is testing the "physician orders for life-sustaining treatment" document in pilot projects around the state and hoping to build enthusiasm for the concept outside of the political arena. Marshall Kapp, director of the Florida State University medical school's Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law, is quoted in the article.


Angelina Sutin, a psychologist at the Florida State College of Medicine, and a colleague, found that weight discrimination may drive people to become fatter instead of motivating them to lose pounds.

NY Daily News

New research suggests people respond to fat-shaming by eating more and avoiding the gym — not losing weight. A study, done by researchers from Florida State University’s College of Medicine, found that people who were discriminated against because of their weight were 2.5 more likely to be obese four years later.

Daily Mail (U.K.)

A study, published in the journal PLoS ONE, found that people who are stigmatized for being fat are more likely to become obese. Angelina Sutin, researcher from the FSU College of Medicine, said that weight discrimination is often justified on the grounds it shocks people into action but it can have the opposite effect.

The Huffington Post

A new study, led by psychologist Angelina Sutin at the Florida State University College of Medicine, collected the body mass indexes of 6,157 Americans ages 50 and over who were either normal weight, overweight or obese. The research team found that weight discrimination increases risk for obesity.

Nature World News

Angelina Sutin, researcher  from the Florida State University College of Medicine, found that rather than acting as a motivating factor to lose weight, discrimination based on a person's BMI may actually increase an obese person's risk of gaining weight. The study was published in the journal PLOSE ONE.

NPR: Blogs

A study led by Angelina Sutin, a psychologist at the Florida State University College of Medicine, has found that discriminating against fat people only makes them fatter. Sutin's study was published in the latest issue of the online journal PLOS One.


Making overweight or obese people feel bad about their bodies doesn’t do anything to motivate them to lose weight – actually, a new study led by Angelina Sutin, a psychologist and assistant professor at the Florida State University College of Medicine, finds it does just the opposite.

The Week

Humiliation doesn't encourage people to get in shape according to a new study published in PLOS One by Angelina Sutin, a psychologist and assistant professor at the Florida State University College of Medicine.

Times of India (Mumbai)

Weight discrimination may drive people to become fatter instead of motivating them to slim down, according to research done by Angelina Sutin and Antonio Terracciano from the Florida State University College of Medicine.

Gulf Breeze News

For the past 10 years ‘Pensacola’s Medical School’ has been helping meet the demand for health care services and  now Dr. Paul McLeod, Senior Associate Dean for Regional Campuses at the FSU College of Medicine in Pensacola, is beginning to see some of the doctors return to the area after completing their residencies.

CBS News

Trying to motivate overweight and obese friends to shed pounds through tough love, name-calling and teasing may raise their risk for becoming or staying obese, according to new research led by Dr. Angelina R. Sutin, a psychological scientist at the Florida State University College of Medicine.

The Christian Science Monitor

Overweight people teased for their weight – fat shaming – will actually eat more, according to a study done by Angelina Sutin and Antonio Terracciano from the Florida State University College of Medicine. For overweight peoples' family, friends, and peers, "just being honest" about fat gain can have consequences.

Medical Xpress

Weight discrimination may increase risk for obesity rather than motivating individuals to lose weight, according to research published July 24 in the open access journal PLoS ONE by Angelina Sutin and Antonio Terracciano from the Florida State University College of Medicine.