Admission Requirements

Admission to the Florida State University College of Medicine (FSU COM) is a highly competitive process with over 6,500 applications reviewed to select the students admitted. A number of academic and personal factors are considered by the Admissions Office and the Admissions Committee when admitting students to medical school.

The FSU College of Medicine employs a holistic approach during the admissions process. Regarding admission to the regular M.D. program, we evaluate all of the following: course “load” and undergraduate rigor; post baccalaureate course work; service and volunteer record; shadowing and knowledge of the medical field; research activities; likelihood of practicing within the State of Florida; undergraduate grade point average; MCAT score; and degree of “fit” with respect to our unique mission statement.

While a truly holistic approach to admissions makes it difficult to establish minimum academic standards, the Florida State University College of Medicine does not – except in special circumstances – consider applicants for admission to the regular M.D. program who do not have an MCAT score of at least 498 and an undergraduate grade point average of 3.3.  Special circumstances include students who come from medically, financially, or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds.  Finally, the Florida State University College of Medicine does not – except under rare circumstances – consider applicants who are not legal residents of the State of Florida, unless such applicants can demonstrate significant ties to Florida. Please visit the Bridge to Clinical Medicine Program website for information about that special program. 

If an applicant is currently enrolled in a degree program, the program must be completed and transcripts provided to the FSU COM Admissions Office prior to the beginning of classes, unless an exception is granted by that program. All applicants must receive at least bachelor's degree by the time of matriculation.

Florida State University is an equal employment opportunity employer and education provider committed to a policy of non-discrimination for any member of the University's community on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veterans' or marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other protected group status. This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, visitors, applicants, contractors, and any others who are affiliated with the University in a manner consistent with applicable federal and state laws, regulations, ordinances, orders and rules, and University's policies, procedures, and processes.


Only applicants who are US citizens or Permanent Resident Aliens in possession of a "green card" will be considered for admission. Those applying as a Permanent Resident must have a green card at the time of application.

Pre-requisite Coursework

Listed below is the pre-requisite coursework required for all matriculates to the FSU COM. Advanced Placement, CLEP, and dual enrollment credits fulfill the course requirements. However, courses taken in a traditional classroom at a four-year institution are considered to be more academically competitive.

All pre-requisite coursework completed with a letter grade must be completed with a letter grade of C or better. If prerequisites are taken Pass/Fail, they will be interpreted in the context of the full application. Preference is given to letter grades.

For any questions regarding pre-requisites, please email

College English or other writing intensive courseX  6
College MathematicsX Statistics 6
BiologyX X8
Organic ChemistryX X4
PhysicsX X8
Biochemistry*X  3
Sociology X 3
Psychology X 3
Genetics X 3
Spanish X 6
Cellular/Molecular Biology X 3

* Applicants must complete a Biochemistry course which requires at least one Organic Chemistry course as a pre-requisite. In addition, one credit hour of biochemistry laboratory is preferred but not required.

Primary Application-AMCAS

Complete and submit the primary application online through AMCAS. Primary applications and all materials are due to AMCAS by August 1st for Early Decision and November 15th for Regular Admission.

Secondary Application Materials

All components of the secondary materials must be complete by the established deadline or the materials will not be processed and the application will be considered incomplete. The deadline to submit all secondary materials is August 23rd for Early Decision Applicants, and December 10th for Regular Admission Applicants.

The Secondary Materials consist of two major components:

Part I: Secondary Application

All applicants who are US Citizens or Permanent Residents in possession of a green card, who submit a complete, verified primary application through AMCAS, will receive an invitation to complete the secondary application. NOTE: a completed secondary application does not guarantee further consideration by the FSU College of Medicine Admissions Committee

When deciding whether or not to complete the secondary application, all applicants should keep in mind that the FSU College of Medicine has a very unique, specific mission and will give preference to applicants who desire to practice medicine in the state of Florida and who can demonstrate a strong and consistent commitment to serving underserved communities.

The secondary application to the FSU COM will be completed and submitted online as part of the AMCAS application. There is a non-refundable $30 application fee. All applicants who take part in the Fee Assistance Program through AMCAS at the time of submission of their Primary application will have their secondary application fee automatically waived. In either instance, please allow 3-5 business days for the fee payment information to be sent via email. 

Part II: Letters of Recommendation

The FSU COM Admissions Committee requires a minimum of 3, but no more than 6, letters of recommendation. A Committee Letter of Recommendation or a Letter Packet from your undergraduate institution will fulfill the requirement; however, our Admissions Committee prefers to see the individual letters of recommendation.

Each applicant may choose whom to solicit letters of support from. However, the strongest letters typically come from those who:

  • Taught the applicant in college classes (preferably science/biomedical classes)
  • Can speak to the applicant’s experiences/interactions with patients in a clinical setting (i.e. letters from medical providers)
  • Can mention traits the applicant possesses that will make them successful in medical school

Ultimately, letters should be solicited from people who have worked with and/or know the applicant well. People who will write the most informative and helpful letters about an applicant's suitability to enter medical school should be chosen. Please note: letters written by family members or close family friends will not be considered by the FSU COM Admissions Committee.

Letters must be sent:

  • Electronically via AMCAS
  • The FSU COM Office of Admissions DOES NOT accept letters of recommendation submitted via email or regular mail

MCAT Score

Applicants are required to have an MCAT score on file with AMCAS by the required deadline in order for the application to be considered complete. The deadline for the FSU COM to receive an initial MCAT score is August 23rd for Early Decision Applicants and December 10th for Regular Admission Applicants.

Scores from MCAT exams will only be considered if the score is no more than five years old at the time of matriculation. MCAT Scores from 2020 are the oldest scores that will be considered.

Additional Transcripts

Applicants are responsible for submitting transcripts from colleges and universities attended where coursework has been completed after receiving an offer of acceptance. Before acceptance, all documents MUST be submitted through AMCAS.

Technical Standards

The Florida State University adheres to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) in prohibiting discrimination against any qualified person with a disability. While the Florida State University College of Medicine endorses the spirit and intent of these statutes, it also acknowledges that certain minimum technical standards must be present in candidates for admission to and graduation from medical school. Therefore, the College of Medicine has established technical standards for admission to and graduation from the MD program.

Applicant Updates

Application updates, and all other correspondence, must be sent via e-mail to  For privacy reasons, application information WILL NOT be provided via telephone.

It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure the submission of the primary AMCAS application and all secondary materials by the application deadline. Applicants will NOT be notified of missing documents or pre-requisites.

Decisions are based on the strength of the application, not the date in which the application is received. You may not hear back regarding the status of your application until after April 30 of the calendar year following the year you apply.


Bridge to Clinical Medicine Program

Students will be selected for the Bridge Program from the regular Florida State University College of Medicine (FSU COM) admissions cycle. Students from medically underrepresented, rural, and inner-city populations who do not gain direct admission to the medical school may be invited to participate. This three-semester experience will allow selected students to demonstrate growth and improvement in both academic and health-care settings. Students who complete all requirements for the Master of Science with a grade of B or better in all courses and otherwise fulfill the program requirements will be admitted to the FSU COM.

Please visit the Bridge Program Website for more detailed information.