Geriatric Interest Group

The purpose of the GIG is to educate and promote geriatric medicine at The Florida State University (FSU).  This will be done primarily via meetings in which Geriatric physicians and residents participate in discussions and provide information concerning current issues in Geriatric Medicine.

The members of GIG will have the opportunity to join the American Geriatrics Society and the Florida Geriatrics Society.  These organizations will provide additional opportunities for other meetings and conferences to attend.

The GIG will promote involvement of students and professionals from various disciplines concerned with the care of the geriatric community, with the purpose of uniting the multiple dimensions of geriatric care.  This will include membership from other Florida State University colleges, such as Social Work, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy.

A primary focus of GIG activities is to meet the needs of the geriatric community through education, community health screenings, and student-patient involvement.

garnet colored, abstract figure; blooming from a golden ribbon; geriatric interest group; GIG

Geriatric Medicine Is Relevant To All Medical Students & All Specialties

Below you can explore how geriatric medicine is incorporated into medical education, learn about how to become a geriatrician, and understand how geriatric medicine is related to different specialities. 

Medical Education

Becoming A Geriatrician

Older Adults & Medical Specialities 

* These links may require you to sign into your AAMC account to access the full content. As an FSU medical student, you have full access to these pages.