Flynn, Pickett Featured in Live Zoominar on Coping during COVID-19

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While, “No sane person feels good during a global disaster,” in the COVID-19 pandemic, there are coping techniques that confer protective factors, offered Drs. Heather Flynn and Scott Pickett, two clinical psychologists in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine at the FSU College of Medicine.

Speaking to an audience of College of Medicine faculty, staff and students during a live Zoom webinar on April 17, Dr. Flynn noted that in this crisis, "We are in the Olympics of self-care."  It is critical that individuals prioritize their mental, emotional and physical well-being.

Dr. Pickett framed stress as normal and useful, however prolonged stress can lead to  ill-health, both physical and mental, as fatigue and exhaustion sets in. "Stress management can improve performance and serve as a buffer to stave off exhaustion and poor health," said Pickett.

The Zoominar was sponsored by the FSU College of Medicine Wellness Committee and can be viewed here.

Additional resources on mental health and wellness during the COVID-19 crisis can be found at the FSU College of Medicine Maguire Medical Library website