Naar, Pooler-Burgess, and Flynn publish paper related to Transforming Health Equity

Naar, Pooler-Burgess, and Flynn

Professor Sylvie Naar, Ph.D., Research Faculty Meredith Pooler-Burgess, DrPH, and Department Chair Heather Flynn, Ph.D. received financial grant support from the National Institute of Health’s Transformative Research Awards for an article published by PLoS ONE titled “Study protocol for transforming health equity research in integrated primary care: Antiracism as a disruptive innovation.” The award supports exceptionally innovative, high-risk, and/or unconventional research projects that have the potential to create or overturn fundamental paradigms or otherwise have unusually broad impact.

In this study, researchers are developing a new approach to address systemic racism in healthcare by integrating mental and physical health care. Using community-based research and systems science, they aim to identify the drivers of racism and create effective antiracism interventions. Focusing on Black/African Americans, the project seeks to improve health equity and benefit other marginalized groups.

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