Dean's Message, September 2014

Aug 22, 2014

     It’s that time of year when I “make rounds” to each of our regional campuses for their all-faculty meetings and thank them for the incredible work they do to make our apprenticeship model work so well. I get a chance to update the faculty on what’s going on at the main campus and share the success stories of our clinical students. Here are some of the highlights of my comments to them:

  • Curriculum redesign: We’re working hard to move toward a competency-based, patient-focused and fully integrated program. This started right after the LCME visit in 2011, and we rolled out the first component, Medicine 1, this summer for the Class of 2018. It combined anatomy, doctoring and a new “vision and values” component. Multiple teams are working on developing the systems-based components to come online in 2015. It’s expected that the medical students’ third year – the clerkship year – will remain structured as it is now. The plan is to also create opportunities for electives during the third year, to integrate the doctoring component and to rework the chronic-care-continuity component.
  • The Class of 2018: Our 14th class arrived in late May and completed its first semester with the White Coat Ceremony on Aug. 22. We’re very pleased with our newest students and the energy they bring to the College of Medicine.
  • How our students are doing in their clinical years: The Class of 2015 has done very well with USMLE Step 2 Clinical Knowledge. As of mid-August, 102 scores had been reported. Ninety-nine percent of those were passing marks, and 60 percent of them were above last year’s average (238). We continue to be impressed with how well our students do on Step 2, scoring well above the national average. It’s a direct reflection on the type of educational experiences they have with their clinical preceptors. For the Class of 2016, with 117 scores reported, we have a 96-percent pass rate and strong performances by our students. Given what’s at stake for students taking USMLE Step 1, we’re confident that we’re providing the support they need to be successful. The scores we’ve seen from our students are especially impressive in light of the changes made in the USMLE to raise the exam’s passing score.
  • New clerkship evaluation system: Our Office of Medical Education has developed a refined competency-based assessment of students’ clinical performance. We ask preceptors to report how our students are meeting each of the expected competency milestones, and to determine at what level those students are performing based on the following scale: less than that of a typical third-year medical student, or on level with a new third-year, a progressing third-year, fourth-year or resident. We have found very strong correlations between preceptor evaluations and student success. Our regional campus deans and clerkship directors are using this information to provide feedback to students who are doing well and to those who may need to work on specific areas.
  • Comments from program directors: Each year we survey residency program directors to see how our graduates are performing compared with other residents in those programs. We’re seeing impressive results. In many of the areas we stress, including professional behavior, interpersonal skills, medical knowledge and patient care, 90-99 percent rate superior to or comparable to their peers. Eighty-seven percent are rated in the top half of their class (a very fun statistic to share since I tell all of our students that only 50 percent can be in the top half here).
  • Development and philanthropy: This has been a good year for the College of Medicine and our development team, with more than $4.3 million raised. That includes more than $2.9 million in planned gifts, more than $900,000 in cash, and pledges of more than $550,000. We appreciate our many friends who have supported us financially by contributing to student scholarships. Many faculty members have joined the President’s Club ($10,000 minimum contribution) through pledges, including many of our preceptors who donate their stipends to support our programs. This year we began a Primary Care Scholarship program, which seeks to provide $20,000 a year to 10 students in exchange for a commitment to return to Florida to do primary care in the future. In order to maintain the level of scholarship support, we obviously need to fund these new programs. Response from the students so far has been incredibly positive.

     Our second-year students returned to campus last week and the undergrads are back, so the joy of driving on Tallahassee streets with little or no traffic has obviously faded. The tradeoff is that football season is here. Go Noles – and thanks again for your support.

John P. Fogarty, M.D.
Dean, Florida State University College of Medicine


Dean's Message, June 2014

Jun 02, 2014
Dean Fogarty

     I’m writing this during our 2014 “gap week” – that brief period between the May 17 graduation of our fourth-year students and the May 27 arrival of our first-year students. We’re always amused at this time of year when people across the university say things like, “Isn’t it great to finally be able to take a break without students?” We’re hard pressed to determine exactly when that is! The College of Medicine is always in operation.

     Speaking of graduation, I hope you were able to attend our Gold Humanism Honor Society, Awards or Graduation ceremonies May 16 and 17. They highlighted the incredible accomplishments of the students who are living our mission and the great places they’re going. There were some very proud parents here who thanked us for what we’ve done to help shape and mold their sons and daughters. It was another opportunity to show off our students and our innovative model of medical education.

     At graduation we added a military oath ceremony, and the audience loved it when 10 students came out in uniform to take the oath as new military medical corps officers in the Army, Navy and Air Force. We gave a “shoutout” to veteran Navy pilot Jimmy Westbrook, who missed graduation to keep his family safe at Camp Pendleton, protecting them from wildfires. (Please read his amazing story[pdf] pre-graduation on our website.) We also surprised Charlie Ouimet as the first Emeritus Professor in Biomedical Sciences, and it was clear that Charlie’s love for the students was mutual.

     Our story continues to impress, as we had more than 5,200 applications this year. I wish to thank our incredible admissions team, who work incredibly hard to find amazing students for us. 

Enjoy the summer!

John P. Fogarty, M.D.

Read more about the Class of 2014 Commencement.

Dean’s Message, April 2014

Apr 02, 2014
Alyson Lewis with Dean Fogarty

     It’s springtime here in Tallahassee, time for March Madness and Match Day. We had a wonderful Match Day celebration in Ruby Diamond Concert Hall on March 21 and were pleased with the results for our 115 graduating seniors. This is our 10th graduating class, and we’re graduating our first three Honors Medical Scholars, who came through our undergraduate FSU Honors program. We had a slightly higher percentage of students stay here in Florida for their matches this year (39 percent), hopefully reflecting the work we’ve done in building new GME programs in Florida. We had nine residents match to our programs in Pensacola, Tallahassee and Fort Myers. We continue to do better than the rest of the country (52 percent vs. 42 percent) in primary care (internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics and OB-GYN) and are pleased with the numbers who matched in general surgery, emergency medicine and psychiatry.

     We also held our annual Clerkship Directors Meeting in conjunction with Match Day. I was pleased to interact with so many of our faculty from the campuses who really make our model work on a daily basis. They met as specialty groups on Thursday, and on Friday they had a joint meeting where Nancy Hayes provided a thorough update on our progress with curriculum redesign. We’re ready to launch the first integrated summer course this year for the Class of 2018, and we’re hard at work developing the next courses to fully implement this patient-focused, competency-based and fully integrated curriculum over the next two to three years. Multiple small working groups are engaged in this exciting process. Lynn Romrell then reported on a survey of program directors who have received our students as residents. It’s gratifying to see how well our students are perceived by their programs. Amazingly, the program directors rated 83 percent of our students in the top half of their respective resident classes. I guess we truly have created the Lake Wobegon School of Medicine, where all of our students are well above average! Romrell also presented a graduate survey that describes in great detail how much our students value their education and how well-prepared they feel for residency.

     Thanks to our faculty and staff for making this medical school such a good place to learn, where our graduates are highly sought for their quality, skills and incredible talents.

Best wishes,


John P. Fogarty, M.D.

Purchase of Illumina NovaSeq 6000

Sep 26, 2017

Use thisFlorida State University is now the home of the most advanced DNA sequencer in the state of Florida, allowing FSU researchers access to genome sequencing at a scale and cost never before available.
Located in the College of Medicine’s Translational Science Laboratory, the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 is the platform expected to enable the sequencing of a human genome for one hundred dollars, while producing the sequences of forty-eight human genomes in each forty hour run. To put that in perspective, COM’s previous DNA sequencer, which was state-of-the art when it was purchased five years ago, required four days to produce a human genome at a cost of approximately $3500, while the sequencing of the first human genome in the late 1990s by the publicly-funded Human Genome Project took almost fifteen years and cost nearly three billion dollars.
The decrease in cost and increase in speed for DNA sequencing is a result of massively parallel operations in modern sequencers. The devices used in the Human Genome Project could sequence approximately one hundred DNA fragments simultaneously. In contrast, the NovaSeq 6000 is capable of sequencing up to twenty billion DNA fragments at the same time.
In addition to enabling rapid and inexpensive sequencing of human genomes, the NovaSeq also allows FSU researchers to perform de novo sequencing of organisms whose genomes are unknown, to determine the extent to which each of an organism’s genes are turned on, to measure how closely related different organisms are, and to precisely determine the three dimensional structure of an organism’s chromosomes, along with many other applications.
The purchase and operation of the NovaSeq is a collaboration between many groups on campus. Funding was provided by Professor of Biology Peter Fraser, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the FSU Office of Research, in addition to the College of Medicine. The Translational Science Laboratory will operate the sequencer and will pay for its maintenance and repair.


Nov 13, 2017


FSU colleges collaborate to pave smoother pathway into health professions

Jun 23, 2016

 Alumna and student w patient - Copy1Every year, thousands of new students arrive at Florida State hoping to enter a career in health care. For a variety of reasons, most of these would-be physicians, nurses, pharmacists and others wind up in different careers — and communities lose out on the health care they could have provided.

In an effort to turn that trend around, fully half of FSU’s colleges are working together to create a student-friendly pathway into the health professions. Called the Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences Program (IMS for short), it’s unlike anything else in the country — and with the provost’s blessing it’s on a super-fast track.

Students are taking part in orientation sessions this summer. The curriculum is being fine-tuned for the fall semester. And hopes are running high.

“It’s an exciting moment for Florida State,” said Provost Sally McRorie. “We will vigorously pursue this innovative approach to preparing students and helping them find jobs in medical fields. I predict we will become the destination for students from Florida who want access to the full range of health professions.”

Most of the program’s courses already exist, though some are being revised with pre-health students in mind. The biggest change is in the way the students are guided along the pathway – and in the sense that the participating colleges are all working together as program partners.

Some universities have premed programs, College of Medicine Senior Associate Dean Myra Hurt said, but they’re not as flexible, all-encompassing or student-centered as this one.

“There’s no straightforward path to figure out, ‘Do I really want to go into the health professions?’” said Hurt, who conceived this idea in 2012. “Eventually we’ll see such a difference in how students feel about the path they’re on.”

Representatives from seven colleges served on a taskforce charged with getting IMS off the ground: Arts & Sciences (Departments of Biological Science, Chemistry and Psychology); Communication and Information; Human Sciences; Medicine; Nursing; Social Sciences and Public Policy; and Social Work. In addition, students from the College of Business will be conducting case studies to determine the best way to recruit the right students as well as employers.

Universities everywhere are wrestling with the same challenge. Four years ago, Hurt helped lead a Harvard Macy Institute session where participants from around the world focused on creating an interdisciplinary path to medical school. Hurt, the driving force behind the creation of FSU’s medical school, is no stranger to big ideas. She immediately started wondering how she could adapt this one for FSU. She ran her ideas past several people but got nowhere — until McRorie became provost. “We’re going to do this,” McRorie said.

The timing was good. FSU needed to boost its total number of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) graduates; cut the time to graduation; and increase the number of graduates getting jobs with good salaries.

Here’s a sampling of what IMS offers students:

Choice of three majors. The pathway has three branches: Pre-Professionals, including physicians, nurses, physician assistants and pharmacists; Patient Care in the Community, including social workers, patient navigators and health advocates; and Health Policy and Technology, including social scientists and health informaticists.
Core sciences for everyone. During the first two years, every IMS student will take the core sciences. “When you finish this,” said Associate Dean Helen Livingston, Hurt’s go-to curriculum planner, “you have a fundamental basis for any field in health care, wherever you go.”
Real-world experiences. Science is important, but it’s only part of the picture. So every student will have regular contact with health professionals in the community, through shadowing and seminars. They’ll get answers to key career questions: “What professions are available?” “Could I see myself doing this job?” “Hours? Income? Training required?” “What are the social and psychological components of being in health professions?”
Flexibility. In the past, students sometimes chose a narrowly defined major without all the information they needed — then wasted time and money changing their major. Sometimes they ended up with a degree but no profession. The interdisciplinary approach provides new opportunities to take electives and explore options. “For example, there are a number of College of Human Sciences courses, like child development, that someone interested in pediatrics could take,” Hurt said. “That really wasn’t an option before.”
Continual advising. Students don’t come to college equally prepared. Some get poor advising along the way. Some don’t cope well with life’s surprises. “So we hope to provide lots of guidance,” Livingston said. “Not just in an academic sense, but in terms of how they’re growing personally and professionally and helping them determine a career path.”
Team-based approach. These future health professionals will work side by side, mirroring the real world’s increasing demand for collaboration.
Hurt predicts as many as 140 students will sign up this first year. One of those pioneers is Emilie Miller. Right now she hopes to become a physician assistant focused on pediatrics, but she appreciates IMS’ array of options.

“I had planned to major in nursing as a bridge to the career path I wanted,” said Miller, who graduated in May from Tallahassee’s St. John Paul II Catholic High School, but then her mom learned about IMS. “After reading the description, it was exactly what I was looking for. I am beyond excited to be a part of something so new and creative.”

In some cases, IMS has been an opportunity for departments to carry out changes they’d already been considering.

“Chemistry is called the ‘Central Science’ because it is so strongly tied to all of the physical and biological sciences, and students in each of these majors require a solid grounding in the basic principles of chemical structure and reactivity,” said Tim Logan, chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. “These topics are currently taught in a framework that has worked well for generations. However, there is increasing awareness that the full traditional chemistry curriculum is not necessarily needed by non-chemistry students and, in particular, by premedical students. We are trying to accommodate changes in the education needs of premedical/pre-professional students by designing these new courses.”

Judith McFetridge-Durdle, dean of the College of Nursing, particularly likes the options IMS offers her students.

“As a limited-access major, the College of Nursing must turn away hundreds of qualified applicants each year,” she said. “The IMS program will allow students who are not accepted into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program at the end of their sophomore year to continue on and graduate with a degree from Florida State that will prepare them for a career in another health-related field.”

Late last month, Florida Gov. Rick Scott hosted a two-day Degrees to Jobs Summit. College of Medicine Dean John P. Fogarty thinks the IMS program fits right in.

“We want our graduates to be fully prepared to get jobs in this economy,” Fogarty said. “Even during the lowest part of the recent recession, health care was still a dependable career for employment. With this program, we can make sure that our students get a great education while meeting the health-care needs of our state and nation.”

IMS is based in the College of Medicine, and Hurt and Livingston will direct it. Hurt predicts that in five years, if things go well, there may be 800 IMS students. “Eventually,” she said, “it could be a lot. It could be a whole lot.”

Learn More

FSU Departments Collaborate To Identify ‘Master Regulator’ In Cell Division

Mar 20, 2015

raed.rizkallahTALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Three years after discovering that a single, unidentified mechanism was modifying about 800 proteins simultaneously during cell division, Florida State University researchers have identified that mystery enzyme.

It’s TOPK, an enzyme that belongs to the family of protein kinases — which orchestrate much of the networking and signaling in cells. The discovery, led by College of Medicine researcher Raed Rizkallah in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, is significant because it advances our understanding of cell division and could lead to therapies that pinpoint cancerous cells without destroying healthy ones.

“This is a very promising target for cancer treatment,” said Myra Hurt, senior associate dean of the College of Medicine. “Some of the new generation of cancer drugs are kinase inhibitors.”

Rizkallah, who works with Hurt, also collaborated with the medical school’s Translational Science Laboratory and FSU’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The paper appeared in the online edition of Oncotarget, a specialized journal that publishes cancer-related research.

Other researchers had detected TOPK at high levels in many types of cancer, but Rizkallah is the first to identify its functional significance to dividing cells.

Proteins are the workhorses in cells, according to Rizkallah.

“Some continuously interact with the DNA, but not during that stage where cells are dividing. Something makes them back off — an enzyme or enzymes,” he said. “The shutting down of gene expression during cell division has been known for a long time, but people haven’t fully understood all its underlying mechanisms.”

So it was a challenge to learn the identity of this “master mitotic regulator” that can modify such a large family of proteins at the same time. Rizkallah used a fishing analogy to describe his work.

“We had the fish: Enzyme X,” he said. “We had the bait” — a molecule that the Hurt lab had found to attract the enzyme. “But it wasn’t on a hook, so we couldn’t pull out Enzyme X to examine and identify it. A chemical modification by chemistry Associate Professor Greg Dudley and his graduate student helped us put a hook in it.”

Next, he needed the cutting-edge help of the mass spectrometer in the Translational Science Lab, which analyzed exactly what was in the purified complexes. Then Rizkallah went down a list of 40 to 50 candidate proteins, comparing each one with what he knew about Enzyme X. Finally, he concluded that Enzyme X was actually TOPK. Now he’s following up on how TOPK is activated and how it’s regulated in cancer cells.

“Working with Raed has been extremely satisfying for graduate student Paratchata Batsomboon and me,” Dudley said. “It's one thing to think that the chemistry we develop can impact biomedical research in due course. It’s quite another to know that the fruits of our chemistry labor are going directly into biomedical experiments across campus. Intercollege collaboration adds value to both programs.”


Picking up the pace in genomics research

Mar 09, 2015

small spotlight photo for genomics center1Scientists have come a long way since creating the first map of the human genome in 2003. Technological advances have accelerated DNA sequencing of the human genome – a process that once took a decade or more to complete – to the point that it can be done in a matter of days, even while yielding more information.

At Florida State, researchers are sequencing and mapping genomes for everything from fruit flies to humans, producing information that has led to numerous discoveries about the molecular basis of disease and sex differences, to give two examples.

With advances in the technology, however, come problems.

“It’s just the middle part—getting a large sequence file into something intelligible. Most people don’t have that skill set,” said Michelle Arbeitman, associate professor of biomedical sciences at the College of Medicine.

Help is on the way in the form of a new Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine at Florida State. The center, approved in December, is a joint effort of the College of Medicine and the College of Arts and Sciences and will be available for use by other university departments.

The center is expected to quicken the pace of genomics research at FSU, relieving a current backlog of information that needs analysis.

“Researchers will be able to take large sequence data files and work with the center to perform all downstream computational and statistical analyses,” Arbeitman said. “Currently one of the major bottlenecks is that once they have the data the individual researchers don’t necessarily have the expertise to know how to move forward with it. The center provides those services.”

Planning has taken two years, spurred through weekly meetings involving the center’s founder, Gary Tyson (computer sciences), David Gilbert (biology), Arbeitman and Biological Sciences Associate Professor Jonathan Dennis. Daniel Vera (formerly a postdoctoral researcher in Dennis’s lab) has been selected as the center’s director.

While it is operational, the center has not yet identified a location on campus for its central office. A great deal of the genome sequencing takes place in the College of Medicine’s Translational Science Laboratory, which has an automated sequencer that can map an entire genome in a few days.

“Our lab produces approximately 16 trillion base pairs of sequence data annually for researchers at FSU and all over the world,” said Roger Mercer, director of the Translational Science Laboratory. “That’s the equivalent of about a hundred genomes, though much of our work is done in species other than humans.”

The ‘personalized medicine’ aspect of the center meshes with the development of the College of Medicine’s Clinical Research Network (CRN). The CRN potentially will harness information from more than 2 million patients treated by more than 2,400 community physicians who teach FSU medical students throughout Florida.

For now, there’s a lot to be deciphered.

“For most researchers, what comes out during genome sequencing is like having a library filled with classical literature written in Italian – if you don’t speak Italian,” said Myra Hurt, senior associate dean for research and graduate programs at the College of Medicine.

“You know all the letters, but you need a translator to know the words. The new genomics center will translate the ‘letters’ into meaningful genetic information, leading to new discoveries.”

FSU MED Spring 2015

Research Outside the Lab

Nov 01, 2011

research outside lab1For most people, the word “research” conjures up images of serious-looking scientists in white coats, beakers filled with colorful liquids, microscopes and cluttered laboratories.

But consider this image: A mother takes her daughter to the pediatrician after her child bangs her head in a collision during a youth soccer game. The physician is concerned that the child has suffered a concussion, and there’s a question about what course of action to take.

When will it be safe for this little girl to resume her normal activities? She wants to play in tomorrow’s big game, but should the doctor say it’s OK?

Diagnosing head injuries, unfortunately, is an inexact science. The same blow to the head might cause drastically different outcomes in two people who otherwise appear very similar. Also, there is not enough good research about what happens inside the brain when it’s exposed to a concussive blow.

That’s where the College of Medicine’s unique educational model and burgeoning research program intersect.

Yes, there is plenty of groundbreaking research taking place in traditional research laboratories at the main campus. Soon, though, there will be groundbreaking College of Medicine research taking place outside the lab, too, in communities across Florida.

To educate and train its third- and fourth-year medical students, Florida State employs more than 1,700 physicians statewide. The idea is to send students out into Florida’s communities, where they will get one-on-one training and will see the kinds of cases, and patients, they will most often encounter once they become practicing physicians.

Sounds simple enough, but it’s a drastic departure from conventional medical education. The community-based approach is producing remarkable outcomes and there’s no reason to think a community-oriented research initiative won’t do the same.

Altogether, physicians who teach our medical students take care of more than 2.5 million patients. Their participation in the new FSU Clinical Research Network will provide opportunities for including data from healthy patients, as well as those suffering from disease or injury.

For example, researchers will have the opportunity to collect baseline data that will allow a pediatrician to quickly compare how a child’s brain functions in performing basic tasks both before and after suffering a concussion. That will facilitate a more informed diagnosis.

“The relationships we’ve built with physicians across the state through our education program will be invaluable toward establishing the FSU Clinical Research Network,” said Dr. Michael Muszynski, dean of the Orlando campus and regional campus dean for research at the College of Medicine.

At the main campus, a new clinical translational research laboratory has just been completed. The lab will serve as the central collecting point for analysis, storage and sharing of information.

The college recently welcomed Roger Mercer, Ph.D., as director of the translational science laboratory, and Jessica De Leon, Ph.D., as clinical research projects director.

In November, the College of Medicine and the University of Florida jointly received a $600,000 grant from the Board of Governors of the State University System to strengthen research, education and service efforts in public health and to boost economic growth.

The funds will support the UF-FSU Community Research Collaborative Program, with initial efforts involving the assessment and monitoring of mild traumatic brain injury and of health risk behaviors among youngsters in Florida.

“This project, and our broader initiative to engage physicians statewide in research that takes us directly into the community, will serve to improve health care outcomes for patients,” said Myra Hurt, senior associate dean for research and graduate programs at the College of Medicine.

“Ultimately our aim is to perform patient-oriented research services that help us better understand root causes of disease, while becoming more effective in prevention, diagnosis and treatment.”

So while scientists (some of them in white coats) will continue to diligently pursue answers in the laboratory, taking research out to the doctor’s office will offer a promising new approach.

It doesn’t guarantee that children with head injuries will get back to playing soccer any sooner. But it raises hope that the doctors who treat them will be better equipped to make decisions that lead to the best possible health-care outcomes.

Download the FSU MED Magazine Winter 2011

Mercer named director of Translational Science Laboratory

Sep 12, 2010

mercerarticleDr. Roger Mercer has been named director of the College of Medicine Translational Science Laboratory. Dr. Mercer will be responsible for the ongoing development, overall operation and coordination of daily technical activities of a new state-of-the-art facility for the identification of biomarkers taken from biological samples and for high end proteomic and metabolomic analyses.  With more than 25 years experience in academia and in the biotech industry, Dr Mercer will play a leadership role in the College of Medicine’s Translational Science Initiative within its multi-site clinical research network.

Services will be available for a fee, and will include all aspects from sample processing to molecule identification, including posttranslational modifications, and will be open to potential college and university users at FSU, as well as users from other universities or entities. As a “hands-on” scientist and teacher with experience in biological mass spectrometry and analytical chemistry, Dr. Mercer’s addition to the College of Medicine will be invaluable to our forward movement in research. Dr. Mercer earned his Ph.D. at the University of Toronto in 1990.