
Jul 27, 2012

Even though the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, Florida Governor Rick Scott says the state will not follow through with optional portions of the law. So what is the future of healthcare in Florida? And how will it affect Floridians with and without insurance coverage? We’ve assembled a panel of experts who’ve been tracking the law very closely to help breakdown what the ruling means for the Sunshine State.

Affordable Care Act


Sep 06, 2012
Two FSU colleges rank among the top ten best schools for Hispanic students

Hispanic Business Journal, an online publication, recently released its 2012 list of the top ten schools for Hispanic students. Florida State University's College of Law earns the number three spot among the top law schools. And the FSU College of Medicine ranks number seven among the top med schools for Hispanic students

 FSU Headlines 


Sep 14, 2012

This November Florida voters will have to decide more than just who they want to be the next President of the United States. They’ll also have to choose whether to add up to 12 different amendments to Florida’s Constitution. The proposals cover everything from how education dollars are spent, to who gets additional property tax exemptions. And for tonight Lynn Hatter reports the first thing voters will be asked is to choose, how far government should go when deciding healthcare issues?

Capital Report