
Oct 23, 2012
Tallahassee Democrat

Business owners bracing for more work in response to health care reform have a checklist that will grow in 2014 as more provisions of the Affordable Care Act take effect. Preparing for the changes was the subject of the Tuesday morning meeting of the Health Sciences & Human Performance Enhancement (Health Care) Roundtable of the Economic Development Council of Tallahassee-Leon County. The meeting was hosted by Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare. Marshall Kapp, director of FSU’s Center for Innovative Collaboration in Medicine and Law.


Oct 22, 2012
Academic Medicine, Journal of the AAMC

The Florida State University College of Medicine (FSU COM) was established in 2000, the first new MD-granting medical school in the United States in over 25 years. In its brief history, the FSU COM has developed rapidly in accordance with its founding mission to meet the need for primary care physicians, especially those caring for the elderly and the underserved. The school recently received a full continuation of accreditation for the maximum period, eight years, from the Liaison Committee on Medical Education


Oct 10, 2012
Tallahassee Democrat

There are as many reactions to a breast cancer diagnosis as there are women who receive one. But the prospect of death almost always looms. Most of the one in eight women in the U.S. who get breast cancer don’t die of the disease. But the instant response of many to the diagnosis mirrors that of long-time state employee Vanda Ragans last summer.

The article quotes both Dr. Nancy Van Vessem and Dr. Lea Kristin Parsley who are faculty members of the College of Medicine.


Oct 03, 2012
Tallahassee Democrat

Though Florida Supreme Court Justice Barbara Pariente was fit, healthy and happy and had no family history of breast cancer, her routine mammogram revealed she had an early stage of the disease that later would spread, ultimately resulting in two surgeries, a double mastectomy and breast reconstruction, followed by months of chemotherapy. She lost her hair, and one day boldly ditched the wig she hated and took to the bench bald.

Two College of Medicine faculty members, Nancy Van Vessem and Lea Parsley are quoted in the article.