Graduate Spotlight: Molly B. Williams

Hometown: East Palatka, Florida
Undergraduate College: University of Florida
Major: Microbiology
Minor: Disabilities in Society
What and/or who inspired you to go to PA school, and how so?
My journey to PA school started when I was first exposed to medicine as a child during the many trips to doctors for my heart surgery. Growing up, I watched so many providers care for me and as I got older, I saw my aunt, a nurse practitioner, practice medicine as well. I knew it was a path I wanted to pursue.
What did you learn about yourself during your time in PA school that surprised you?
I realized that I am able to be a calming presence, especially in acute settings and that many times, the most important part of practicing medicine is just listening to the patient.
What course and/or professor had the greatest impact on your PA education?
Throughout my emergency medicine rotation, I had the opportunity to work with Mr. Martin and Dr. Daly. During this time I fell in love with the fast pace and acuity of emergency medicine. These faculty members showed me how to provide compassionate care that was still effective in acute medical settings and have inspired how I hope to be able to practice.
In what setting and specialty are planning to launch your PA career?
I plan to begin my career at Halifax Hospital in Daytona Beach in the clinical decision unit of their emergency department.
Given the rigors and stressors of PA education, what diversion did you lean on to get you through?
My parents, Lois Ann and George, were my constant support and provided many diversions in the form of phone calls, visits, laughs and unconditional support. I could not have made it through without them.
Benjamin Smith, associate dean of the College of Medicine and director of the School of Physician Assistant Practice, said, “Molly is eager with a thirst for learning. She is constantly professional.”