Benjamin M. Kaplan, MD Chosen as Newest Member of the Residency Advisory Committee

Congratulations to our Internal Medicine Clerkship Director and Clinical Associate Professor, Benjamin M. Kaplan, MD on being selected to serve a 3 year term as a Member on the Residency Advisory Committee (RAC)! As an appointed RAC Member, Dr. Kaplan will be providing his best independent judgment based on his expertise in the area of preventive medicine and public health training, advice for residents and fellows involved in service-learning work with local, state, and federal governments, and in developing recommendations for the CDC Preventive Medicine Residency and Fellowship’s consideration. Dr. Kaplan's response when notified, “I am very humbled and honored to be chosen for this appointment and I look forward to bringing the importance of primary care, of which is the mission of FSU COM, to the table to help shape and transform the landscape of population health and preventative medicine.” FSU College of Medicine is very proud!