Dr. Alma Littles Recognized by FAFP for 21 Years of Service

Dr. Alma Littles was recognized by the Florida Academy of Family Physicians for completing 21 years of service as a FAFP Delegate to the American Academy of Family Physicians Congress of Delegates. Dr. Christie Alexander, former FAFP President and current Board Chair, presented Dr. Littles with a one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted gavel set that was auctioned by the AAFP Foundation during the 2020 AAFP Congress. The engraving stated, “In recognition of your innumerable contributions and outstanding representation of Florida’s Family Physicians as a FAFP delegate to the AAFP Congress of Delegates 1999-2020.” Thank you Dr. Littles for your continued support and commitment to the FAFP and our beloved specialty of family medicine!
Original spotlight featured in the winter issue of the Florida Academy of Family Physicians' Digital Florida Family Physician medical magazine can be accessed here.