News of the Week

Farmworker health is essential to COVID-19 response (opinion)

Fourth-year med student Edward Corty wrote an op-ed piece for the Tampa Bay Times titled, "Farmworker health is essential to COVID-19 response."

He writes, "Farmworkers are a uniquely vulnerable population that I have had the opportunity to care for in medical school ... In Immokalee, I’ve walked through houses where 20 farmworkers and family members—including young children—crowd into dim and damp rooms, with each individual only guaranteed 50 square feet to themselves. Farmworker surveys show that this is the norm. One only has to look to recent reporting on migrant worker health in Singapore to see what is coming. This is how COVID-19 spreads."

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Apr 28, 2020
South Florida Sun Sentinel

An article from the South Florida Sun Sentinel reads, "The stakes are high as state and local officials puzzle over when to ease coronavirus restrictions: open too quickly and Florida risks a deadly second wave, open too late and the chance of economic recovery gets smothered." Les Beitsch, chair of the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine at the College of Medicine cautions against opening too soon.


Apr 24, 2020
FSU News

FSU's Innovation Hub has become the center of an effort to help outfit health care workers battling COVID-19. Instead of student projects, the printers are cranking out face shields that project organizers are donating to local medical facilities. “The Hub slogan — ‘empathize, ideate, build’ — is a handy one here,” said Emily Pritchard, a research faculty member with the College of Medicine and one of the organizers of the project.


Apr 24, 2020
FSU News

As millions of moms and dads in COVID-19’s stay-at-home Florida wonder what to do next, Florida State University education experts are offering resources to help parents-turned-teaching-assistants make good choices. An activity book developed by the Center for Child Stress and Health, a part of the College of Medicine’s Immokalee Health Education Site, educates children about COVID-19. It’s intended to help parents speak with young children about the virus and to give children tips on how to cope with all of the changes brought on by the outbreak.