Florida Healthy Liver Program: Liver Cancer Prevention in Primary Care
The Florida Healthy Liver Program Grand Rounds will outline the scope of a growing liver cancer problem driven by increasing incidence of metabolic-associated liver dysfunction (fatty liver). Mayo Clinic and FSU PrimaryHealth™ faculty will review strategies for early screening and prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma, starting in primary care settings. They will also review an exciting pilot experience with the Florida Healthy Liver Program, which utilizes liver fibrosis screening of high-risk patients using vibration-controlled transient elastography incorporated into a primary care clinic. This Grand Rounds will conclude with a panel discussion of research opportunities for liver cancer prevention across multiple FSU departments and colleges to reduce the incidence of metabolic-associated liver dysfunction and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Mayo Clinic faculty: Kristen Ryland, APRN
FSU PrimaryHealth™ faculty: Cyneetha Strong, M.D.; Scottie Whiddon, M.D.
With additional faculty discussants from Mayo Clinic: Denise Harnois, DO; Tushar Patel, MB, ChB; Beau Toskich, M.D.; Cynthia de la Garza Ramos, M.D.
And a panel discussion with FSU research faculty: Alicia Craig Rodriguez, DNP, MBA, APRN, FNP-BC, DipACLM; Michael Killian, Ph.D.; Lynn Panton, Ph.D.; Bonnie Spring, Ph.D., ABPP; Patrick Stover, Ph.D.

Durell Peaden Auditorium