Dr. Flowers hosts Annual Rural Reception at Meet and Greet in Marianna, Florida

Marianna Meet and Greet
On Thursday, April 6, Dr. John D. Byrd, Clerkship Administrator of the Tallahassee/Marianna Rural Track Regional Campus, Dr. Kerwyn Flowers, Director of Rural Medical Education, and Dr. Sandeep Rahangdale, Dean of the Tallahassee Regional Campus, hosted the Florida State University College of Medicine Annual Rural Reception at Jackson Hospital in Marianna, Florida. Interim Dean, Dr. Alma Littles and Jackson Hospital CEO Brooke Donalson attended the event, along with several others.
Right Photo: Interim Dean Dr. Alma Littles and Jackson Hospital CEO Brooke Donalson
Bottom Photo: From Left to Right: Dr. John Byrd, Dr. Kerwyn Flowers, Porter Crapps, Sean Wimberley, Susan Dedicatoria, Tripp Taylor, Neha Saini, Paul Borgman, Alexandria Tolbert, Interim Dean Dr. Alma Littles, Ann Brown, and Campus Dean Dr. Sandeep Rahangdale.