Spotlight on Student Researcher Mitchell Valadie

Mitchell Valadie is an IMS senior majoring in clinical professions. He recently co-authored an article which has been published in the peer-reviewed academic journal Arthroplasty Today. The study investigated and reported on the results of the BPCI program in a medium-sized private practice orthopedic group. The BPCI program’s goal is to increase the value of care for Medicare patients by incentivizing providers to render the most cost-effective, high-value treatment through bundled payments and coordination of services. Mitchell worked on this project with surgeons at Coastal Orthopedics & Sports Medicine in Bradenton, FL.
Link to research article:**A20__;IyU!!Epnw_ITfSMW4!9rCqEwtcwPfI02jj8xQ4T3GXTLXOO2HTxC-LwjEA-JTgz1YyI33U47ji-lDPfyK4DA$