IMS Senior Natalie Henderson Wins First Place for Poster Presentation

IMS Senior Natalie Henderson won first place for her poster presentation at the recent American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics annual meeting. Natalie has been working with Dr. Gregg D. Stanwood and Dr. Devon Graham in the Biomedical Sciences Department.
“We want to brag for a moment on Natalie Henderson, a soon-to-be IMS graduate who presents her Honors in the Major work in a few weeks. Natalie has been working with Devon Graham and I and presented her work at Experimental Biology a few days ago. Natalie won 1st place for her poster presentation for the Behavioral Pharmacology section of ASPET. Several colleagues of mine at the meeting commented on how amazed they were to discover that Natalie was still completing her undergraduate degree – most thought she was a senior graduate student and one even complemented me on my new postdoc. Congratulations Natalie, and thank you for representing FSU COM so well!” said Dr. Stanwood, Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences.