First Annual Symposium on Integrated Care: Spirituality and Health

The Symposium Co-sponsored by FSUCOM, the Center for Child Stress & Health and the FSUCOM Family Medicine Residency at Lee was held at the Marriott Sanibel Resort and attended by an interprofessional audience of physicians, psychologists, nurses, chaplains and social workers. Keynote speakers were Dr. Christina Puchalski, Director of the George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health and Dr. Harold Koenig, Director of the Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University Medicine Center. Speakers included FSUCOM faculty: Michael, Gloth, MD, Jean Mesidor, PhD, Javier Rosado, PhD, Elena Reyes, PhD, Christina Cavanaugh, PhD, and Juliette-Lomax-Homier, MD. Dean John Fogarty offered the opening remarks to launch the new Symposium series in Southwest Florida.