Power of Music in Caring for Loved Ones with Dementia: Gateway to Connection and Well-Being
Please join us for a free Facebook Live Workshop on the Power of Music in Caring for Loved Ones with Dementia: Gateway to Connection and Well-Being, 7:00 PM-8:30 PM (Eastern Time) Thursday, December 19, 2024. This workshop offers practical information on engaging the power of music to improve the well-being of loved ones with dementia and family caregivers. Our first two presenters, music therapists, Dr. Gooding and Dr. Hernández, will provide easy-to-use tips on how to use music for building partnership in caregiving activities and for reducing caregiver distress. They also will discuss the best methods for accessing professional music therapy for loved ones with dementia and the costs of such services. Our third speaker, Dr. Bakan, will share innovative developments in ethnomusicology, the study of music from different cultures, on increasing the quality of life of older adults with dementia and their family members, particularly men in faith community settings. Tomeka Norton-Brown will provide information about caregiver skills training and support and dementia care resources will be discussed. Elder care professionals, future caregivers, and other interested community members are also strongly encouraged to join the workshop.
Please click on this link to register for the event https://fsu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6PwuzWboKaHBf1Q, or you may register via email at tnnorton@fsu.edu. After you have registered, we will send you written workshop materials. If you have questions or need additional information, please call toll-free 1-866-778-2724 or email tnnorton@fsu.edu. Sponsors for this workshop are the African-American Alzheimer’s Caregiver Training and Support Project 2 (ACTS2), Area Agency on Aging of North Florida, Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare Foundation, Joseph G. Markoly Foundation, Haq Family Foundation, Nona G. Rawls Foundation and the FSU College of Medicine.