
Dec 21, 2012
Tallahassee Democrat

For many people, the holidays can bring stress, anxiety and mood changes. About one person in 10 is at risk for a serious medical illness known as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or clinical depression. Heather Flynn, associate professor and vice chair for research in the FSU College of Medicine’s Department of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences, wrote this column on depression, symptoms, and helpful tips for managing anxiety this holiday.


Dec 17, 2012
Tallahassee Democrat

According to a new study by the Annals of Family Medicine, the country will need 52,000 more primary-care physicians by 2025 to account for population growth and aging and to cover preventive-care provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Florida State University College of Medicine has a direct goal of training physicians to meet the needs of patients in Florida. Alma Littles, senior associate dean for medical education and academic affairs at the FSU College of Medicine, explains how medical schools can and should take steps to influence the types of doctors they produce in order to meet the state’s needs.


Dec 17, 2012
American Medical Association

Medical schools are working to fill gaps in primary care as more students express interest in becoming family physicians. The prominence of the specialty is rising as the nation moves toward lowering costs and improving patient outcomes with preventive care and better management of chronic conditions. John Fogarty, MD, dean of Florida State University College of Medicine, and Alma Littles, MD, senior associate dean for medical education and academic affairs, are quoted in this article from American Medical News.