Events & Activities


  • Lecture on Acupuncture presented by Ms. Suki Horne, RN AP. She brought a lot of fascinating books, resources, herbs, and instruments crucial to the art of acupuncture and taught our students, faculty and staff about many facets of this type of alternative and complimentary care modality.
  • Lecture on Massage presented by George Kousaleos, founder of the CORE Institute of Tallahassee. We also were taught basic massage techniques to help alleviate stress and tension in the neck and head. Students practiced the maneuvers on each other and had a great time!
  • Lecture in Ethnomusicology presented by our advisor Dr. Brummel-Smith. We learned about numerous implications for combining music and medicine, and encouraging research in the field supporting its benefits.
  • Lecture on Bio-energy and Subtle Energy by Robin Carter. We were introduced to concepts of principles of energy healing, subtle energy, and physical and non-physical factors affecting ones bio-energy field. Students, faculty, and staff participated in demonstrations and learned exercises that can be used on a daily basis to help balance their own energy fields and revitalize their spirit.